What's The Use Of A University Mission Statement?

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What's the Use of a University Mission Statement?

What's the Use of a University Mission Statement?


Mission is the main goal of the organization, the meaning of its existence. Mission is one of the fundamental concepts of strategic management Different scholars gave different mission statements. The mission is the meaning of the company from the perspective of customer satisfaction, competitive advantages, and motivation of employees of the company. It is the main overall goal of the organization - a clear reason for its existence. The organization's mission is defined in a developing organization and rarely changed. The second - an extended version of the mission often formulated for internal use and must disclose in detail all the aspects of the mission, including:

Purpose of the organization's functioning,

Area of ??the organization,

Philosophy of the organization,

Methods to achieve its goals,

Methods of interaction with the community organizations (social policy organization).

The correct definition of the mission even though it has always shared philosophical sense, yet always brings something that makes it unique in its kind, describing exactly the organization in which it was drawn. The chosen universities are: University of Notre Dame, University of Penn State and Mercer University. The essay consists of comparison and contrasting of the mission statements of these three universities. University of Notre Dame emphasized on teaching, research, scholarship programs and publication. Penn State University focuses on providing quality education to people living in the state in order to improve the living standard of the community. Whereas Mercer University highlighted the importance of learning and knowledge in order to achieve excellence and scholarship discipline.


The mission statements of three universities trace the importance of education and learning in the society and also emphasize on the religious views and beliefs of the environment. Notre Dame is based on the Roman Catholicism and its mission is to achieve religious goal by 0providing scholarship and learning programs to the students. The purpose of its foundation is to promote the message of Jesus Christ that is wisdom and conviction and also encourage students to learn about worldly life and understand the difference between reality and spiritualism. The university was founded by catholic community and therefore, focuses more on Catholicism beliefs and values. The basis of the environment is to imply Catholic beliefs and values and develop policies that promote the ethics and religious values of the community. The philosophy of Notre Dame is to convey the religious beliefs of Christians and to promote education in the community (http://www.nd.edu, 2012).

The mission of Penn State is to promote quality education and learning to all students in order to improve the education system and economic conditions of the state. The purpose of its establishment is to improve the living condition of the community by providing research, scholarship and creative activities. The mission also mentions different degree programs that encourage advanced learning and knowledge for people. Its involvement in collaborative activities with educational, industrial and agricultural partners indicates that it was established to provide knowledge and ...
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