What's In A Name? Semantics, Standards And Data

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What's in a Name? Semantics, Standards and Data

What's in a Name? Semantics, Standards and Data

Q1: The Major Topics Addressed In This Particular Journal Article

Peter fisher and company have written a journal which is called “What's in a Name? Semantics, Standards and Data” the major topics discussed in this article is about semantic standards and metadata (Fisher, 2010). In this case semantic is being referred in terms of linguistics.

Semantics is the study of word meaning, semantics falls into three distinct sciences: psychology, logic and linguistics, where a broad definition of the word.

The linguistic semantics

It is the study of changes of direction, but it is also likened to the analysis of the figures of the old rhetoric, and it is now also the theory of sign language, psycho-social function of language and lexical structure. Guiraud insists we avoid confusing "sense" and "meaning" as does the current language. The direction has a static value (the mental image of the object named), while the meaning has an active value (psychological trial).

Signs and Meaning

The meaning is the process that associates an object, a being, a concept, an event with a sign capable to evoke: a cloud is a sign of rain; the word "horse" is the sign of the animal. A sign is an exciting (stimulus) whose action on the organism causes the picture memorial of another stimulus (remember Pavlov's dog) (Onsrud, 2010). According to Saussure the linguistic sign unites not a thing and a name, but a concept and acoustic image.

Signs and Symbols

There are two types of signs: natural (rain-cloud association, for example) and artificial (which is used to represent reality - a drawing, a photograph - or to communicate with others - a courtesy, spoken language). Guiraud considers artificial signs are symbols. The linguistic meaning: the meaning and concept, Guiraud ...
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