What We Know About Autism In Africa: A Brief Research Synthesis

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What We Know about Autism in Africa: A Brief Research Synthesis

What We Know about Autism in Africa: A Brief Research Synthesis


The autism is a developmental disorder which has a deep impact on the educational aspect of the child. It is known for hindering the educational aptitude and achievements of a child (Barnard, 2000). The treatment prevails but the question lies in the availability of appropriate treatment in the areas with fewer privileges such as Africa. The prevalence of rate of the disorder is difficult of determine. However, the behavior of autistic children exhibited is mostly general and common in almost every country. The main focus of this paper revolves around the studies pertaining to autism in Africa. It is supported by evidences based on systematic studies and discusses the research on the subject leading to better understanding of the existing disorder. This will enable promoting better treatment outcomes among the population of Africa. It provides methodology for testing educational and behavioral interventions.


The research evaluation and analysis is done on disorder prevailing in less privileged countries in Africa and how it impacts the development in various aspects of life such as the field of education. The research done by Lawrence K. Ametepee and Morgan Chitiyo PhD., BCBA, clearly marks the independent and dependant variables. Furthermore, the details of the evaluation are critically discussed below. The subjects, method, and results are highlighted among the various sections made to organize the paper.

Description of Participants and Settings

The participants of the research are the population base of Africa from which the data is collected. The children with autism are selected from this population and the data is extracted by the means of systematic research. The number of boys and girls are mentioned appropriately with significant ratios. The characteristics of autism were observed existing in ...