Themes and Images which are Responsible for Creating the Cultural Diversity Clash in the Global Classrooms

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What Sorts of Themes and Images Might Create Trans-cultural Resonance and Dissonance within an International Classroom Comprised of Diverse Nationalities and Cultural Backgrounds?


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Objectives of the Study2

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What Sorts of Themes and Images Might Create Trans-cultural Resonance and Dissonance within an International Classroom Comprised of Diverse Nationalities and Cultural Backgrounds?


In the United Kingdom, the challenges between educationalists and culturally diverse learners are frequently taken place in the inclusive classrooms. The aim of the study is to identify the themes and images which are responsible for creating the cultural diversity clash in the global classrooms. For that reason, there is a need to explore the trans-cultural tools that can help in minimising the effects of conflicts on the basis of cultural diversity. Students from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds often face the circumstances due to the entrance in the new culture. Therefore, an unfamiliar classroom should provide a friendly atmosphere, where the themes and images of trans-cultural may not only lessen the issues of social isolation, but also encourage and motivate the students to improve their sharing and bonding with each other on the background of common goal of education, learning, growth and development. The global statistics of postsecondary education has forecasted approximately 160 million students from all over the world in the year 2025. On the basis of such forecast, the educational institutes, colleges and universities of the United Kingdom should redesign the educational programmes that can support wide range of cultural and linguistic differences (Van Hook, 2012).

An effective international classroom is defined as the place, where there is a balance between the cognitive dissonance and the safety of emotions. Thus, understanding of this balanced relationship is important in order to identify the social aspects that are necessary for the development of the international classroom atmosphere. Most of the educationalists in the United Kingdom often misbalance the relationship of dissonance and emotional safety as mutually exclusive goals while, the priority is given to the emotional safety, but the factor of dissonance is happened without sufficient support. Thus, an effective class room should address the controversial social issues before these will break the trans-cultural harmony of students (Houser, 1996).

In the global classrooms of the United Kingdom, comparative literature is presented for learning however; educationalists should try to preserve the identity of comparative literature by means of applying the themes that can provide strategies to the students in order to learn about the critical cultural and cross-cultural analyses and become culturally literate (Arens, 2005).

Objectives of the Study

To explore the types of themes and images that might create positive trans-cultural resonance in the global classroom of the United Kingdom

To explore the types of themes and images that might use in the preparation of course line that can reduce the trans-cultural clashes between the students and educationalists

To analyse the benefits of knowledge base atmosphere in the tarns-cultural secondary education classroom To explore the significant role of teachers and educationalists in the successful establishment of positive and creative learning environment ...