What Responsibilities Should Be Undertaken By The Government To Help Business And Society As They Prepare For The Future?

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What responsibilities should be undertaken by the government to help business and society as they prepare for the future?

What responsibilities should be undertaken by the government to help business and society as they prepare for the future?


Today the three notable entities in the society are working together on setting standards about political, lawful, and ethical milieu of business. It is a global market a head and on the whole government has to perceive more responsibilities than ever to maintain legal and ethical standards. The market is full of competition and is more transparent. Cultural and political divergence poses an opportunity as well as a threat to the domestic practices. It is now the foremost obligation of the corporate world to pilot the ethical, legal and cultural requirements of the society. The following paper discusses a few of these obligations.


As a researcher one has to interpret the changing role of the government in encourage Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The governments have collaborated with other stakeholders to formulate public policies as the key factors in promoting and implementing a better sense of CSR. They have strategies to plan and implement CSR value. The governments are integrating a common statement and communication on Corporate Social Responsibility and are working closely with private and social divisions. They have to develop a win-win situation for business and social organizations. Their reflection on CSR will generate legal public policies. Boorstin (1997) has talked about the three faces of 'Givenness'. He says that our American values have come from either geographical or historical background. The first face implies that we have received our values form the past. Early settlers and Founding Fathers have laid down our political approach which we use to see through our future. The second face says that we receive values from our present and remains wrapped in a soothing cover despite its savageness. The third face says that our past and present together formulate our values. Our past clearly summarizes our values unlike in the European culture. Our Founders had values and ideas about how to execute the governmental norms. We give space to the settlers who came in early definite times. Europeans have the nostalgia about their roots. Our Founders have, thus, given us 'unwritten' document. The exceptional role of our past has founded in shaping our image and our American life standards. The second notion elaborates on the fact that our present condition and experience devise our values. No tradition, philosophies or theories can shape our values.

The main purpose of the government in a democratic state is to behave like a role model for all stakeholders in the society. Government leaders are social servants, and they have their particular assigned duties to serve in the society. The legal/ lawful setup and regulation are the tools to shield every entity's right (International Chamber of Commerce, 2010). On the other hands, government stance on CSR will reflect on the image of the country. Other countries gauge the image of some country by interpreting their ...