What My Parents Told Me

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What My Parents Told Me

What My Parents Told Me


Sex-socialization is a natural phenomenon. God has created both men and women to mingle, share the love and raise generations. It is a human need and desire. Sexuality is a driving force of social activity, as directed on achievement, not only sexual satisfaction, but also social and emotional state, as happiness to improve the quality of life. Experiences related to sex, determine the choice of a variant of behavior, even in situations known to be associated with sexual contact in the literal sense. Sexuality is one of the most important driving forces in the knowledge of human reality. Sigmund Freud wrote that the desire to know the children remarkably early and rigorous way suddenly stops on sexual problems even awakened them (Baer, 1999). Sexuality is a factor that motivates people to live together and work is driving convergence and integration of people, one of the key components of family life. Sexuality is an inherent desire to express your inner libido, to transform the external manifestations of behavior in a material medium.

Sexual-socialization process

Sex education is a process through which information is given on the various expressions of sexuality, so that the child can acquire the notion of identity, understanding the transformation that comes over him and model behavior for themselves and cooperative society. Socialization begins at birth and is a process of learning cultural roles defined by gender. From the start, boys and girls are treated differently by those around them, and they learn the difference between boys and girls, women and men. Expectations of parents and society, the choice of toys for girls and boys, or the different tasks assigned to children of both sexes seem to define a process of socialization source of differentiation that can be defined by socialization related to sex (Ergeneli, 2010).

The gender socialization is the process by which individuals learn to behave, according to the beliefs, values, attitudes and examples provided by the company. The gender socialization begins when a woman becomes pregnant and, that people start to make judgments about the value boys over girls. These stereotypes are perpetuated by family members, teachers and others expressing different expectations depending on whether boys or girls. Sexual orientation should be conducted to preventive goals, in order to avoid future conflicts in children, for this reason, parents have an important job to do, which is based on educating their children sexually, a task that at first may seem utopian, since most parents do not have training that prepares them for this purpose, due to the impact he has had sex, and in which he hides under so-called taboos.

Education starts at home, and, therefore, the first teachers are parents. With sex education of children, the home becomes an open school where parents and children can be expressed with spontaneity and sincerity, therefore, the priority is to provide parents with enough information to reach the basic training and can abroad successfully the task of guiding their children (Kaufman, ...
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