What Makes Us Humans?

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What makes Us Humans?


What makes us human to human? And what differentiates us from our next "animal" relatives? What ultimately is the "little big difference"? This assignment discusses how humans are different from animals and machines or robots and what are the differences that make us humans. A team of scientists brings forwards over thirty years of studies in DNA. Chimpanzees and humans have 99% of their DNA together. Of the 3 billion bp that make up the human genome only 15 million (less than 1%) have changed over the past 6 million years that have passed since humans and chimps diverged. These differences are the signature of human evolution. The work reveals a human genome that is much richer and more complex than expected, even just a decade ago.


If one compares the physique of the people and the animals, man was severely disadvantage. The legs of the people were not very used to running. He cannot see as well as other animals and hear and smell like other expert predators. His teeth are too blunt to make better loot. Nevertheless, humans have an upright gait; thereby he can act with his hands what the animals cannot. There are also benefits that really consider the animals that man has a very powerful brain. He can give things a name. Man has developed his own language of communication. The chimps do not have language; however, because there is no language in their brain center (Ahmed, pp. 209-214).

The project title makes it clear that the researchers hope to gain insight especially about human social behavior. Human social behavior seems unmatched in its diversity and its impact on the way, and the habitat of these species. Especially with the uniqueness of social behavior is therefore an answer to the question of what it means to be human. The scientists want to approach this topic in detail by comparing cognitive abilities such as communication between people of different cultures and society of apes. In order to draw conclusions on both the phylogenetic and the cultural basis of social behavior, the scientists compared with all the great apes - chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutan - and with three different human society cultures in Africa, Asia and Europe. For a comparison with a culture comparison is connected. The aim is thus to find out which properties are both unique and universal human.

Various methods and observation techniques help scientists find answers to their questions. In the center of the project is the research of understanding of current and past states of awareness of the needs and beliefs of others. In the field of observational studies, the researchers set up the view of the non-verbal communication and analyze, in particular, the interaction of view, orientation or body gestures. Also, they are interested in how it is important, as all parties will be aware of the social interaction. Part of the observational studies is of children in pre-verbal age. Within a species can thus also the abilities of children and adults ...
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