What Is Theology?

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What is Theology?

What is Theology?


The eternal question of the relationship between faith (religious) and reason (human) is considered as the theology. Peoples who are involved in this as well philosophers are considered as theologians. At each time, according to many authors or schools, theology takes a proper coloring and a particular orientation so that this old question can never exceeded. Theology is still present which evade or neglect the fate of thought. The philosopher Heidegger also not remained indifferent to this problem. An impressive number of his writings, lectures, seminars and conferences reflect his interest in theological motive in general and also particularly in the question of God. In this essay, we are going to understand what is theology? And how it is related to the religion?


The study of religion

When asked "What is religion?" there are many possible answers, and these can be classified according from which point it confronts this issue, here are some of them, Anthropologists describe the beliefs and religious practices as found in the within communities. Religion helps bring people together, because it provides an experience and a explanation of life in common patterns of behavior and presents frequently in response to risks of life. Sociologists stress the social dimension of religious ideas. Religion offers a way adequate to see the world and gives the man a meaning and a purpose. Historians describe events in terms of religion, beliefs product. The Philosophers try to discover the arguments of reason behind the beliefs (Royo, 1972, pp.17-54). The Phenomenologists phenomena associated with religious traditions and attempt to describe their influence on man. Theologians dealing with those same beliefs, however, it is wonder if they are true or false and what is the response of people to them. Analyze and clarify doctrinal body, their sacred texts and traditions within the religion. None of these views is the exclusion of the other, nor are these the only ones who study or analyze the religious phenomenon, nor should we do reductionism between a believer and a study "scientific" study of religious beliefs. The various approaches or research methods can help to complete a picture. Religions are sets of phenomena, observable facts. They are, therefore, possible object of scientific study. Since the facts are facts religions consist of human, social, all social or human sciences, as we have seen, are called to investigate religious phenomena and all of them, in fact, have been applied to study it and know it (Hodge, 1992, pp.37-67). The theologian of any religion, the official expert in their texts and doctrine, and, of course, a knowledgeable of it and knowledge can accommodate elements of true science.

What is theology?

Christianity Classical authors defined it as "faith seeking understanding." (Royo, 1972, p.57) This claimed that although faith is by definition believed without seeing, faith can give reasons for what he says. If we turn to the dictionary of the Royal Academy, it says that it is "the science that deals with God and attributes and perfections" (Royo, 1972, ...
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