What Impact Does Bariatric Surgery Have On The Adult Obesity Problem In America?

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What impact does bariatric surgery have on the adult obesity problem in America?


The purpose of this literature review is to examine the research related to current clinical applications of bariatric surgery as a treatment option for obesity. Treatment approaches for overweight and obese individuals has been a widely researched topic with more advancement in treatment modalities throughout the years. Obesity is now an epidemic in the United States with more than one third of American adults and children following into the category of obese. A search of the CINHAL,OVID and PUB MED electronic databases was completed for studies, systematic reviews or literature reviews published between 2009 and 2013. Inclusion criteria incorporated several studies linking obesity and its medical complications as a leading cause of preventable death in America, contributing to over 150,000 excess deaths per year (Boeka, Prentice-Dunn, &Lokken, 2010). Research on obesity, childhood and adult are endless. Bariatric surgical treatment for individuals that meet the criteria is a widely researched topic supporting the benefits of surgery versus the long-term predictors of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Key search words included: obesity, bariatric surgery, treatment options, postsurgical compliance, and bariatric surgery outcome.




Study Background4

Rationale of the Study5

Causes of obesity5


Research Methodology6

Discussion of Sources6

Literature Review7

Problem Analysis10


Limitations of the Study13

Implication for Practice14

Risks Associated with Bariatric Surgery15

Early obstruction15

Late Impediments15

Significance of Bariatric Surgery17

The improvements in the body systems after bariatric surgery19

Recommendations for Future Studies19

Bariatric Surgery and Uncertainty in Illness Theory21


What impact does bariatric surgery have on the adult obesity problem in America?


The increasing obesity prevalence and lack of control over weight reduction has directed to opulence of bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery includes wide range of surgical procedures to deduce fat accumulation in the body through surgical procedures. The statistics have shown that in 2008, 350000 bariatric surgical procedures were performed worldwide. The excessive fat accumulation in the body is defined as obesity, particularly in adipose tissue. Obesity is a considerable health risk confronted by the USA. It is supposed that at present, two-thirds of adults and one-third of children are either overweight or obese. Unless successful interventions are designed and implements, the rates will continue to increase. If this index is greater than or equal to 30, the individual is considered obese (Colquitt et al, 2009). Obesity is becoming a fast growing public health issue that is predicted to get worsen if not treated with in time (Coc, 2010).

Study Background

Obesity is a major issue all over the world. The prevalence of obesity is increasing in the United States and has become doubled in adults in the past 20 years. According to IASO (2012) approximately 475 million adults are obese and twice those figure numbers of people are overweight hence presently there are 1.5 billion fat people in the world. In USA, about 60 million of the adult population is obese, which is 30% in adult. Unless appropriate actions are taken, it is expected that the rate of obesity, in the year 2050, will be 62% among adult men, 50% among adult women, and 23% among ...