What Do Children's Drawings Tell Us About Children's Minds?

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What do children's drawings tell us about children's minds?

What do children's drawings tell us about children's minds?


There are certain behaviors and expression shown by children which depicts their thoughts and feelings. According to many psychologist experiments it has been confirmed that child shows certain actions which are necessarily to be included in theory of mind suggested many psychologist. Children's drawings are somehow actual representative of their thoughts and feelings. Sometime they show their desire by drawing. These actions of children show that they have certain feelings and senses which are developed in their own way.

The factors are involved in the development of their senses, first factor is the way they are grown up and the second is their psychological development. These developments play very important role in the behaviors of children. The psychologists and professionals studying child development know what the theory of mind and its importance. There are many experiments and practical tasks analyzed and evaluated in order to judge the child's behavior. These analyses are presented further in discussion.


Concept of theory of mind

In psychology, there is a concept "Theory of mind", which means a person's ability to understand and predict the course of thoughts, emotions and actions of others. The lack of this ability is considered a sign of autism respectively. These problems with autism as a communication difficulty and inability to tie a close relationship can be explained by the lack of theory of mind. A few years ago it was believed that children develop a theory of mind at the age of four years. Now, however, this view is in need of significant adjustments. In 2005 appeared a paper on the theory of mind in the 15-month-old infants, and two years later published a study that was discussed is about children age 13 months.

The concept of theory of mind further defines the ability to understand and analyze the circumstances. Children of the age of 3 years are more focused to judge their surroundings keenly. Therefore the "theory of mind" is the ability which attributes mental states to oneself or other. It is a theory because from these mental states, which are not explicit, can be made inferences and predictions about the behavior of others. (Wellman, 1990).

Child's theory of mind

To think, feel, wish, suppose, hesitate, believe, knowing remember, hiding, cheating, lying, etc are terms which designates states or mental activities. The child begins to learn about these activities very soon even before knowing the word that designates. The child recognizes these activities itself and attaches to the other. It would be impossible for the child to know the activity of self and other and also weakens the quality of coordination without understanding the mental states. As a result of the experiences children have with others develop a series of informal theories about human psychology that attempt to answer basic questions that arise about small emotions, perceptions and thoughts with them or they see in other (Snyder, 1994).

When a child notices that several people and it reacts differently to the same ...