What Did The Vietnam War Do To Australian Masculinity?

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What did the Vietnam War do to Australian masculinity?

Vietnam War and Australian Masculinity

What did the Vietnam War do to Australian masculinity?


The Vietnam War has left a negative landmark on the Australian masculinity. Around 50 years ago, The Australian military government sent approximately thirty officers and advisors in South Vietnam for the purpose of commencing of war. Though, the bitter war has left shocked and negative aspects due to which the Australian masculinity has highly affected by losing their lives. This war has reduced Australian masculinity population because more than half of male's population has died or surrendered in Vietnam. On the whole, approximately 47,000 Australian masculine populations had participated in this bitter war. Majority of the male population has lost their lives because almost half of the group has surrendered and wounded. The disturbing results of the battlefield were trembling that resounded badly throughout Australian population. That time was considered as heinous, disordered and negative in the past. The missing of masculine population in the Australian nation has negatively affected the country and due to which disturbance has noticed throughout the country. The South Vietnam and Australia war have left a particular lesson in history which is formidable for the country. This war has reduced the masculine society of Australia which is an unforgettable incident. An in depth discussion in this regard is conducted to better understand the topic.


War is always an example of brutality, inhumanity, which is very costly financially and in human terms. Soldiers and civilians on both sides are left with their minds and lives shattered forever, but there are those who profit from wars and many, without any shame since they are the decision-making centres, but never go to the battlefields. This is without considering that in addition to winning the war is necessary then to win the peace, which means winning hearts and minds to a new direction. How many conflicts in the world today we know that one, or several, wars are not the way to solve the differences? Often it seems that we have very little personal, given the predominant huge bestiality. The hope is that more people become aware and willing to take action against this madness and bloodlust and war. The involvement of larger portions of the population in decision making made aware of each country, can help minimize such madness and suffering as unreasonable. New methods of direct communication between people like Internet. It can play an important role to interfere in this decision-making.

Historical and cultural values of masculinity develop in different societies in different ways. Masculinity is not obvious prima facia, we do not mean the simple biological fact that the male anatomy, but the social image that is to be created and continually recreated. Critical studies of roles, images, values, women in history and contemporary society gained considerable weight in the last two decades of the last century.

The last two decades have been actively developing the study of historical and cultural values of masculinity and ...