What Are Two (2) Important Similarities And Two (2) Important Differences Between The Persian Empire(S) (600 Bce-651 Ce) And Han Dynasty

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What are two (2) important similarities and two (2) important differences between the Persian Empire(s) (600 BCE-651 CE) and Han Dynasty

Similarities and differences in Persian Empire and Han Dynasty


It has been shown that chess appeared in India at a date no earlier than the 6th century AD, and Indian scholars themselves seem to believe that the actual date was considerably more recent than even this. It is unlikely that there could be any mistake, because there is a wealth of literary material available in Sanskrit, going back to 1500 BC If chess had existed in the ancient history of India, it is almost certain that it would have been mentioned somewhere. At the same time, people who are considered authorities in the field have long known that the similar game of Chinese chess, or at least one that atepassado, existed in China since at least the second century BC How do they reconcile these two facts?

The second is that Chinese chess is a game totally different, unrelated to western chess. Emphasize that Chinese chess has a river, a cannon, a horse that does not jump, and the pieces in Chinese chess are written in Chinese characters and are placed in points rather than in homes. The fact that the Chinese chess also has a tower, a king, a pawn and a bishop, they all occupy the same initial positions on the board and with the same movement and the same names as in the known medieval predecessor western chess, is simply ignored. In some cases, it is clear that the so-called experts do not even know the rules of chess Chinese. There are two references to chess in ancient Chinese literature. The first was a collection of poems known as Chu Chi. The author was called Chii Yuan. He was the most famous writer of the Chou dynasty (1046 - 255 BC). Killed himself by jumping into a lake. The second is a famous book of philosophy known as Shuo Yuan citing Chu Chi. Is the Han Dynasty (206 BC-221 AD). Both are well known to any student of Chinese literature. A more recent reference to chess came from the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279 AD). There was a famous poet named Li Ching Zhou. She wrote a book intutilado Portrait Hitting Horse. At that time, the pieces had the same names today. With the aim of, for example, to discover the origin of language, linguists through a process known as linguistic reconstruction. First, identify the members of a family of languages by features that can not be explained in any other way than to say that they all came from a common origin. After that, they pinpoint uniform sound changes that can be shown to have occurred in a wide range of vocabulary items as the languages were emerging. Finally, they are able to develop in detail a proto-language with a description of how the original language gradually broke up into many languages existing today that ...