Week Vii

Read Complete Research Material


Week VII

Week VII

“Bayshore Child Development Center”


Diverse background among the team members creates primary reason to create conflict and become significant hurdles in organization success (Montoya-Weiss et.al, 2001). Since Tanya has been promoted to director of Bayshore Child Development Center, her first task is to create a healthy organization culture. This paper aims to provide solutions that help Tanya to reduce organization culture issues.


Problems Prioritize

Since Tanya face three significant problems since she has been promoted as director post. However, three problems categorized according to priority are as follows

•Creation of better understanding among teacher of each other culture

•Help teacher to gain a better understanding about the children culture

•Deal with James, whose performance has been stellar since last 15 years

Root of the problem

Conflict management is considering as one of the primary objective that a manager needs to be addressed closely. As the case define that white teachers are in the minority and feel isolated while color teacher feel that white teacher do not understand the children. Study indicates that management must proactively address the underlying tension (Montoya-Weiss et.al, 2001) (conflict between white and color teachers) before an explosive conflict emerges (bad understanding of the children's culture).

Address the problem

In the case study, we have seen that all problems are interlinked with each other that need to be resolved. There is no doubt in today's workplace, the ability to deal up with people from different backgrounds is absolutely considered as a critical part to achieve success. Study indicates that properly conflict management can improve success of the organization. Modeling the right behavior is also considered as an important role (Alper, et.al, 2000). Another study claims that when tension run persist or high for too long than the number of employees considered to leaving their jobs (Montoya-Weiss et.al, 2001). Method to Reduce conflict

Team building methodology is more appropriate tool for Tanya to focus on. Tanya need to focus on the strength of each teacher and then assigned work to them according to their skills. For White teacher, Tanya needs to give them motivation speech and realize them they are not isolated and can play an important role for company success. Secondly, Tanya also require arranging training and development session for white teacher, so they are easily handle children as it will automatically reduce color teacher obsession. On the other side, to manage third and significant conflict that relates to James who is a veteran teacher and involved in criminal activity. Tanya has to set an example after separate James from Bayshore Child Development Center. This action of Tanya will send a clear message to all employees that they must not involved any illegal activities that cost them.


Organization conflict management is needed to be resolved on time in order to avoid future business hurdles. Tanya R. Li has to take some strategic decision after she had been promote to director position as Bayshore Child Development that help the organization to reduce conflicts among team members and they all engaged to work for company ...
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