Week 7 Overview

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Week 7 Overview

Week 7 Overview

Question One

Value of Process Approach to Problem Solving

A process is defined as a set of interacting or interrelated activities that assist in transforming inputs to outputs. The activities in process approach depend upon the allocation of resources for instance, material and people. The application of process approach in problem solving managed as a system by formulating and understanding a proper network of the processes and their interactions. Basically the process approach focuses on aligning, integrating and linking different processes effectively in regard to achieve objectives and planned goals (CLS, n.d.). On the basis of this it assist in allow the individuals to focus on improvising the process efficiency and effectiveness.

Based on the process approach, the problems are solved on daily basis because it basically promote the transparent and smooth flow of operations by contributing lower costs and even shorter cyclic time through effective use of different resources. While moving towards achieving set targets and goals, process approach focused on continual improvement of processes results, which linked with consistency and predictability.

Process approach is much effective in a way that it helps in organizing and managing different activities to formulate value for individual and for the other parties that part of the problem. It has been observed that process approach always brought strong emotive feelings because of strong personal commitment to one side or the other but on contrary having a lack of hard evidence in regard to convince the other sides. In day to day matters, process approach assists in understanding the complexity of the problem (PITT, n.d.). For instance, if the problem is simple than the solution will obviously easier to find but if the problem is difficult to handle, than process approach is there to generate viable solutions that lay a solid understanding of what causing the problem. Many times, it has been observed that a single problem turned out to be a series of problems and thus aligning all the relevant resources to overcome the problem in this regard is the only solution. Therefore, process approach must be followed and adopted in day to day matter for solving problems (Burnette, 2009).

Question 2

Models of Adult Education

For many years, it has been considered that mature men and women would either have already engaged in education that was beyond the secondary level or they decided not to study further at an early age. But in the second half of 20th century, the educational mode witnessed drastic changes and the emergence of adult learning programs were introduced where the adults enrolled them in post secondary educational programs. Beginning with growing interests in continuing educational programs for mature adults and also the expansion of undergraduate and graduate programs designed in a way to prepare the mature adults for their second or even third career.

Therefore, to give readers a proper understanding of the different models for adult education, below mentioned are some of the adult educational models that might gave the readers a clear idea regarding ...
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