Week 7 - Application: Creating A Flowchart hospital Admission Process

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Week 7 - Application: Creating a Flowchart

Hospital Admission Process

Week 7 - Application: Creating a Flowchart - Hospital Admission Process


The term admission is defined as “the act of getting permission to enter in a place or received at a place for some purpose”. The hospital admission process is the process followed by the patients through which the patients get accepted into a hospital for receiving the in-patient services. The hospital admission process consists of various steps, which a patient follows to receive the services within the hospital, and these functions are required to receive the patient inside the hospital facility. The main purpose of the admission process is to obtain all the required information from the patient to be kept in the hospital record, determine the cause of patient visit and what is the need, and assign the patient to the right department of system where he receives the services according to the needs. A patient can approach hospital either through the emergency department, or as a regular out-patient or an ambulatory care patient at any level of the hospital (Health Boards Executive, 2003). Hospitals follow the Admission Evaluation Protocols (AEP) for the patient admission. Utilization Review (UR) is the key to perform an evaluation of compliance with AEP and other standards for patient admission. Peer Review Organization (PRO) also conduct assessment and analyze what sort of relevant medical services are needed by the patient (Diamond, 2012).


The admission Process is the common term used for the various tasks which are performed when a patient is received at the hospital or admitted in the hospital as in patient. The foremost process begins when the patient in interviewed and it include the following: registering the patient information, utilization review, and verification of the insurance, preparing the patient medical record chart, assigning the room or bed to patient as per demand and availability, preparing the admission summary and updating the hospital poll (Health Boards Executive, 2003).

Patient Interview

An interview with the patient is conducted in order to obtain all the relevant information of the patient and the insurance policy he has. Different types of consents and authorizations are also passed during the patient interview; it also includes getting the signed and informed consent for the treatment, verified explanation of benefits and all the relevant directions and beneficiary notices. All information collected from the patient is then entered into the patient specific computer account, and it is then placed in the patient medical records. It is also very important to obtain information regarding the finances and inform the patient about he expected cost of the treatment so that all the necessary arrangement can be made in advance.

Patient and Insurance Information

All the relevant information related to the patient is obtained by the hospital through patient registration form. These forms vary from hospital to the hospital, and each one has designed according to their specifications. The form can be filled in by the patient or any other relative responsible in charge and is then submitted for review (Diamond, ...