Week 6 (Assignment) Of 6052

Read Complete Research Material


Week 6 (Assignment) of 6052

Week 6 (Assignment) of 6052


This critique will present the information from two different selected research articles. The discussion will be based on a critical appraisal of the two research articles that have been selected, “Effectiveness of an aspiration risk-reduction protocol” and “Impact of a nurse-driven mobility protocol on functional decline in hospitalized older adults”.

The authors of the research, Effectiveness of an aspiration risk-reduction protocol, have discussed aspiration as the most critical problem for the patients mechanically ventilated and receiving the tube feeding. This research work is an effort to develop methods to reduce the aspiration risk among the patients, who are critically ill, and receiving tube feedings, or mechanically ventilated patients. The effectiveness of a three-pronged intervention was evaluated during the research.

The other article “Impact of a nurse-driven mobility protocol on functional decline in hospitalized older adults”, determined the impact of a nurse-driven mobility protocol on functional decline. This research work is based on the non-equivalent control group design which provides mobility protocol as the independent variable, and length of stay as the dependent variable. The research was based on a qualitative study, the improved functional status and length of stay was recorded in older patients participating mobility protocol. The research made emphasis on the ambulation in hospitalized older patients.


It is very necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of aspiration risk-reduction protocol among the patients with respect to gastric content, which are mechanically ventilated and receiving the tube feeding. There is no doubt that patient receiving tube feeding is at high risk of life threatening pneumonia.

The most serious tube feeding complication is considerd as Aspiration. Aspiration may result in respiratory failure and the patients who receive tube feeding during their hospitalization are at a particular high risk. Different investigations of ...