Week 3 Discussion Questions - 692

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Week 3 Discussion Questions - 692

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Week 3 Discussion Qeustions - 692


According to research literature, frameworks of Miles and Snow help firms in making judgments about their existing staffing practices in relational to their strategic orientations and business strategy. The identification of firm's primary way of competing is the first step used by Miles and Snow Framework. Analyzer, prospector and defender are the three firm types.


In relatively established product markets, improving the production efficiency is the main focus of defender firm by providing services or producing goods with higher quality and lower cost. To first market with new services and products, is the first attempt of the prospector firms and depends upon speed, flexibility and innovation. Product and new market opportunities are explored (DeSarbo & Et.al, 2005). For new ideas, the more innovative competitors of the firms are closely monitored by analyzer firms. And in order to make those ideas promising, the next step is to develop efficient production methods.

Pursuing an internal labor market orientation is the approach of successful defender organizations to meet their staffing needs. Since such organizations provide selection criteria that give major weight to future potential or aptitude and minor weight to past achievements and planned upward mobility, by hiring individuals into low-level positions. Cross-product and cross-divisional transfers are used by analyzer firms. For adapting to their more rapid production of service shifts, a wide range of abilities and aptitude, like, defenders and prospectors, are required.

Pursuing an external labor-market orientation is the main approach for successful prospector organizations to meet their staffing needs. Selection criteria that demonstrate proven achievement in desired ability, skills and knowledge is focused by the prospector firms as they hire directly into upper-level positions (Massa & Testa, 2009). A general or a wide range of abilities and aptitudes is required ...