Week 3 Assignment: At Device Evaluation

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Week 3 Assignment: AT Device Evaluation

AT Device Evaluation


AT or Assistive Technology is basically a term that is used to describe the technology that is created for people with certain disabilities. This technology refers to the devices that assists and rehabilitates these individuals and without which they would be unable to perform normally (or otherwise). It helps reduce the instance of 'dependability' by allowing the disabled individuals to independently perform the task which are quite difficult for them to do without the AT. It may be in the form of a physical object or a system that enhances (or maintains) the abilities of the disabled individuals (Paredes, 2013).


The key objective of technology lies within the enhancement of humans and their everyday lives and assistive technology is no exception (Wong, 2012). Individuals with impairments have difficulties in performing their everyday functions. There are many kinds of assistive technologies that are developed for catering to a certain form of disability within individuals. These disabilities comprise of reading disability, writing disability, speech disability, math and computing disability, hearing disability, or visual disability. Reading disability is perhaps one of the most common disabilities among students and there are numerous individuals who find themselves in a troublesome situation once they are asked to read (at schools or in other institutions).

Reading Disability

Learning to read is a vital developmental milestone achieved by children once they start attending schools. Reading involves derivation of meanings from texts through decoding and comprehending. Decoding refers to understanding the written text/symbol into the actual words they represent and comprehending refers to the understanding of the context, purpose and nature of the written text based on our knowledge and experience (Gough, 1986).

Reading disability is a disability which causes difficulties for the affected individual to read. The primary cause of this disability is neurological factors such as hyperlexia, alexia or developmental dyslexia (Gough, 1986). Due to the progress of technology, Assistive technology, individuals with reading disabilities are now able to read with little or no difficulty.

There are many AT available to counter reading disability. A low tech solution which is extremely beneficial for students is the highlighter transparency sheet. Text reading software read out the data on the screen (in focus) for individuals with disabilities to hear. Scanners can be used scan materials in printed form (hardcopy) into digitalized form to be read by the computer while highlighting the text that is being read on the screen.

Selective Assistive-Technologies for Reading Disability

When a student is unable to read a standard textbook, he can be offered multiple AT solutions that can help reduce, or eliminate, the student's reading disability. Bookshare, Kurzweil 3000 and 'Snap & Read' are such AT solutions available for students, which assist them in reading.



Bookshare is the biggest online library in the world. It has been specifically made to facilitate individuals with reading disabilities from printed materials. It comes with a collection of over 77 thousand books for readers within the United Kingdom. The collection comprises of classics, children's books, ...