Week 2 Assignment 1

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Week 2 Assignment 1

Week 2 Assignment 1

Discussion 01

In Cohn, et.al, 2009), the evaluation of the analytical process in quantitative nursing has significantly used in assessing the factors that used in nursing. The initial epitome of this study is as follows:

To develop meaningful statistical methods

Use several tools that help to identify quantitative factors in nursing

These are two broad aspects that help to evaluate the factors. For analyzing the quantitative nursing data. The descriptive summary is the effective tool that helps to understand the nature of the data that have extensively sued in the research.

In Table 1, the nursing data has assessed by using different statistical tests that help the researchers to identify the various factors of nursing data.

Power Analysis Tests

Power analysis test has conducted on accurate sample size that has targeted by the researchers before conducting and performing any research. In secondary sample data, power analysis test is not mandatory because it already describes the use of sample size. This study has used the priori analysis test. The post hoc analysis is wealthy in this case because it helps to understand the inconsistency level of values at a different level. Using the different test at the same data set has assessed the inconsistency in the results (Cohn, et.al, 2009). Analytic Approach

Analytic approach is applicable in quantitative research analysis data set. The data that have collected in the hospitals regarding the demographic of patients. It is helpful for researchers to evaluate their profile. The demographic data of patients has used extensively for further research. In sometimes, the collected data are complex and hard to understand the researchers, so in this situation they used analytic approach by assuming the previous factors. This method is effective for analyzing the factors in the quantitative approach.

Research Hypothesis & Questions

Research question and hypothesis are the most significant factors that help to understand the whole study. The investigators design hypothesis or research questions before conducting any experiment or study. This will be according to their convenience level. These factors are effectual for understanding the primary purpose of the study. These factors are able to recognize the various medical factors that have to identify.

Normality Assumptions

Normality assumptions are the significant statistical tool that helps to define the normality level of data. In quantitative research of nursing, the data that have collected through survey or questionnaire are analyzed. The collected data have several factors, in which ...
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