Week 2

Read Complete Research Material


Knowledge Creation

Knowledge Creation

Strengths and Weaknesses with Workplace-based problems

For companies to call upon the resolution of workplace-based problems; there are two (2) core approaches that have been intended altogether: either one could opt for adopting a scientifically rigorous approach or invest into a practically useful manner.

In line with a scientifically rigorous approach, the strengths would be tapping into the root cause, making the entire work process flow completely off track and not providing the literal, anticipated and forecasted results (S). However, the approach would require installation of multiple software and tools that would require time and cost in terms of achieving the desired results (W) (Anderson, Herriot and Hodgekinson, 2001, pp.391).

On the other hand, utilizing a practically useful approach, the overall budgeted time and the cost invested would be able to reduce much less than a scientifically rigorous approach (S). However, a weakness identified that the expected results and the anticipated outcomes may not result is initially opted for and thought of at the inception of a project (W).

Since our focus and concentration revolves around resolving the problems and issues experienced by workers that work on overtime and do not receive additional compensation, both approaches would then be weighed. Out of the two, a practically useful approach would prove feasible (Morrell, 2008, pp.1467).

While exacting and step-by-step procedures may not comply to this particular problem, if would provide the managers and the leaders of a particular department to make way for compensation and development altogether in the long-run (S) (Rousseau, 2006, pp.256).

In addition to the above, it would also help companies members and the leaders witnessing the work of individuals to give growth and performance that not only would make way for employees to develop motivation within themselves, but also deliver quality and outstanding performance in the long-run (S).

Evidence-Based ...
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