Week 12: Complex Adaptive Change Plan

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Week 12: Complex Adaptive Change Plan


Complex systems at the organizational level harbinger the complex adaptive change at the organizational level. In fact, diversified micro and macro factors changes the routine organizational processes into complex ones. However, in that particular case, the need of a complex adaptive change plan becomes inevitable due to the presence of such factors.. Moreover, for an organization whose roots are spread across the different regions, the need of such a plan even becomes much stronger. Hence by taking into consideration these aspects, it is pertinent that organization must have such kind of plan. The gaps identified at the Exxon Company earlier were three, in the broad sense. These were external environment, organizational structure, and communication between the different stakeholders. This plan however covers every aspect involved in complex adaptive change process. The elements covered in this paper pertaining to complex adaptive change plan are changes at organizational level, need of resources, and relationship between different stakeholders. Furthermore, there is also a discussion about the communicating the change, action for reducing gaps, measurement of intended outcomes, consistent improvement, and impediments. Overall this paper provides comprehensive plan related to change identified at Exxon Company.

Primarily, the change at Exxon Company involves fundamental shift at the organizational level. However, this fundamental shift involves every element at the strategic level including goals, objectives, strategies, economic cycle, and ultimately the systems' life cycle. The review will be done based on the feasibility of options and further guidance will be provided as to how to go about doing such things. Furthermore, the role of stakeholders in this particular domain is also pivotal because they are the major player in bring about any change, especially at the strategic level.

Week 12: Complex Adaptive Change Plan


Complex adaptive change happens with the complement of complex system. However, complex systems are usually known as “complex microscopic collection of similar micro-structures”. In fact, complex adaptive change is a highly dynamic interaction between different networks and their relevant relationships. Simply, the systems, under this particular change, are not considered individual or in isolations to each other. Furthermore, they are adaptive in sense that individual element or a system of collections brings a change in the atmosphere of micro-events (Prewitt et. al., n.d.).

Identification of complex gaps within the organizations and molding strategies according to the requirement of the environments is all a complexity theory speaks about. In fact, the theory of complexity treats each of the organization as a collection of strategies, and structures, which are complex in nature (McCarty, 2003). Hence, require a specific tool to address the issues, which are the consequence of such relationships. With this, role of complex adaptive change becomes prominent and such changes began to transform the complex structures as well as their micro-relationships to address the underlying issue. This paper provides comprehensive plan related to change identified at Exxon Company.

As a matter of fact, the gap identified earlier was not just limited to a domain, but has the tinge of separate elements, ...