Week 10 - Developing A Health Advocacy Campaign (Continued): Ethical Considerations

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Week 10 - Developing a Health Advocacy Campaign (continued): Ethical Considerations

Health Advocacy Campaign (Ethical Considerations)

Elder Abuse and Neglect

Elder Abuse and neglect is stated as the premeditated acts which cause pain, distress and agony of any sort, brings harm and possess serious risk of injury to the elderly people of the family or any other person who has a close association with the same elder person. This usually occurs when the persons assigned to provide necessary care and fails in the designated task and is not able to provide the basic necessary care to the elderly (Bonnie & Wallace, 2003). In recent times, the advancement in the media cover and reporting means have become very fast that it nearly becomes impossible to hide any act of crime or abuse. Media plays a very important role in covering such issues; still there are many cases which remain unreported. According to Survey conducted by National Center on Elder Abuse (1998), older females are more on prone to become victims of abuse as compared to the elder males. The main issue which has been highlighted in this campaign is “Elder Abuse and Neglect” and it chiefly targets the elder and old people living among the populace. This paper highlights the issues related to the neglect of this concern, its prevalence and the policies and solutions it needs to minimize the associated risks and possible recommendations. Elder Abuse and related cases have been reported by different surveying agencies. Approximately 4-6% of the elderly living in developed countries faces any of the type of domestic abuse, although the people at this stage are normally feared to report the cases or share the feeling s with immediate friends of the family. Elderly who become the victims of abuse by any means is 300% more at risk of death as compared to those who are save not to be the victims (Dong, Simon, et al. 2011). This issue is not only a concern on social and ethical levels rather it also disturbs the country economic budgets. The medical cost in US is expected to increase up to $5.3billion as of the annual expenditures of the nation (Mouton et al, 2004).

Ethical issues

To satisfy their part, health advocates should tirelessly escape any clash of investment discerned or true. Health advocacy regularly includes managing personal and professionally challenging scenarios and moral issues around 'best interests' and 'conflict of interest Strains may additionally roll out for promoters when, in trying to attain change, they are tested by acknowledged practices, forms, state of mind and unbendable frameworks (Kelly, 2009). A health advocate or support organization ought to be careful of their reason and objective and survey if they can positively act in the best diversions of and be completely responsible to the health purchaser. This includes the health advocate surveying if they could be on the health consumer's side and no one else's, be fundamentally concerned with the health consumer's major requirements and remain dependable and responsible to the health consumer's in a manner ...