Importance of Family health

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Week 1 Assignment 1

Importance of Family health

Background of the problem

USA is a well established nation with billions of residents, however this developed nation is experiencing severe health crisis. The chief area of concern is that there is a significant number of population in USA, which is uninsured, and this lack of insurance has deprived people to gain an access to the healthcare services. Another important issue is that there is an increase in the healthcare costs greater than the increase in wages, leaving the people with lesser amount to spend on acquisition of healthcare services, if required. Moreover, in case of employers supporting the employees and the dependents, the burden of healthcare services borne by the employees for the employees and their family, has shifted to the employees due to rising cost of financing health care services; and burden of healthcare cost shifted from the employers to the employees (Sood et al., 2007). Hence, the entire families that were dependant upon the earning of the bread winner have been affected due to these specific reasons. Family health has thus become an issue in the USA.

Responsibility of family health

Family health is of immense importance for any society to be successful. Healthy families ensure that the population on the whole is capable of contributing towards the economy of a country. However, due to the ongoing health crisis in USA, family health has been affected to a great extent. The families relay upon the head ho takes care of their financial needs. The needs regarding the healthcare services are fulfilled by the wages earned by the head of the family. Hence, the income earned by the head of the family and the extent to which, healthcare insurance is being provided by the employer of the person, determines the level of health care ...