Website Evaluation

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Website Evaluation

Website Evaluation


In this paper I investigated the website The Pfizer Guide to Careers in Health Care was by far the most helpful resource for exploring nursing as compared to the two other websites. The Pfizer website is credibly sponsored by a reputable corporation, is accurately presented by medical specialists, is currently updated, and visually appealing. Several aspects making the website even more worthwhile and useful are the acknowledgement by the corporate president in addition to the listing of the participating writers, the content's variety of occupations and applicable job sites, the current relevancy of information, which is no more than five years previous to the present date, and the consistent design from page to page.

Web site Evaluation

Credibility is the first criteria of importance to me for choosing a website. Viewing the homepage of the career guide site, I scanned the screen searching for either the company or organization sponsoring the website. Moments later, I spotted the familiar Pfizer logo at the top right corner of the page. Then I clicked the logo which took me to a page where I learned that Pfizer is a globally recognized company designing, producing, and providing quality medicine for the well-being of both humans and animals alike. I returned to the homepage and clicked on a link called "Nursing Guide" and found a letter from Pfizer on the side-hand menu bar under the Pfizer logo. Unlike a disconnected corporate president whose single interest is in the affairs of his stock holders, the president of Pfizer wishes to be a helpful resource to future pharmacists.

Adding to the credibility of the website is the multitude of writers who put together the information. Looking back at the sidebar menu, I clicked on the link called "Acknowledgements," and it immediately listed many names of nursing specialists. ...
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