Website Analysis Paper

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Website Analysis Paper

Website Analysis Paper


Many organizations and businesses believe in the fact that use of internet marketing and website is very crucial for the growth and development of their business. Small business holders need to maximize the potential of their business for the creation of a huge market. Website enables them to market their products by using limited resources (,n.d., p.1). Sales are increasing with this marketing tool as people are more comfortable with accessing their needs through websites. Use of websites provides the business with a growing audience or customers. By using website marketing tool, small businesses and home based businesses looks like other businesses. It provides the owner with low cost marketing. Websites provides access to the buyers and creates world-wide presence of the business (,n.d., p.1).


Nonprofit sector is playing an important role in providing resources in many fields such as social services, health and education. Nonprofit sector is grown in size. With the growth of this nonprofit sector, funding and management techniques are needed to be acquired (Frumkin& Kim, 2000, p.3). By creating means of provision of information about a nonprofit organization to the customers, capacity of nonprofit organizations can be enhanced. Well designed, maintained and eye catching websites is the inexpensive and effective means to draw the attention of customers. Websites also provides the owners with the feedback of their activities and services. Website marketing is the essential tool to build the capacity of smaller or home based businesses (Salamon, 2003).

Non-Profit Websites

Like many other websites, non-profit websites also share same best practices. Nonprofit website needs to be user friendly, use appropriate fonts, designs, and colors. Nonprofit website needs to be easily navigable. Nonprofit website must offer more than any other website. A nonprofit website must make it easy for customers to access about their cause, to donate and become involved. It needs to invite all its target donors or volunteers effectively (Chapman,2009). Following are some best practices to design nonprofit websites.

For a nonprofit organization donations are necessary. Make the website donor friendly and keep the donation process as painless as possible.

Attention of media can impact the nonprofit organization in the best way. Make nonprofit website media friendly to get more donations.

Nonprofit website should be able to provide the journalist with the ease of accessing information about the organization. Include profile and contacts of the board of directors, personnel and founder of the nonprofit organization.

There can be many people who cannot donate for your organization but needs to get information about that. Make your website volunteer-friendly for this set of people.

Make sure to clearly apparent the purpose of the nonprofit organization. Bring the purpose in front of the website to make it visible and understandable by everyone.

To include news section or blog in the website offers advantages to a nonprofit organization. People get involved in the news on a regular basis and become more interested in the future. Blogging brings traffic from many directions. Content Updates in the websites increase the visibility ...
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