Webquest For Social Studies For 4th Grade Students

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WebQuest for Social Studies for 4th Grade Students

WebQuest for Social Studies for 4th Grade Students


The webQuest that has been designed is available on the website http://zunal.com/. The Login ID and Password that should be used is as follows:

Username: ahanahan

Password: ashtray

The tile of the WebQuest is Oceans and Continents and is available on the URL: www.zunal.com/webquest.php?w=180261.

The description of the WebQuest is given hereunder and is based on the essential question which was designed for the session so that teachers know the context in which they will be using this WebQuest.


Ever wonder that this world that live on is divided into several continents? The water that we see on the map of the world is all oceans? How many Oceans can you name on the map of the world?The students of Fourth Grade need to understand the impact that oceans have on the world and the continents that it is made of. It is vital for them to be able to understand the characteristics of different oceans in order to understand their importance. They exert a great influence on Earth and are a key part of the world's Geography.

Self Reflection

In order to reflect upon the WebQuest that I have designed, it is first imperative to discuss the objective behind my devising the WebQuest.

Children make the best learners in that not only are they eager to learn but also because they do not have prior information onto something. The WebQuest is based on this philosophy that children as young as those in the 4th grade are very creative. They are open-minded and are inquisitive. They want to explore the world around them and come up with several questions in their daily life amongst each other and for their parents to answer (Radey, 2009). It is these questions that are then answered by the parents and then become the source of preliminary information for children.

The purpose of education is to gain knowledge. The purpose of this knowledge at this stage of the life of children is to help them understand their area of interest. All of the students who will be taking this course should be able to understand the material taught to them.

The WebQuest has been designed keeping in view the age of the children. The children are eager to learn but there are certain tactics that are needed to be implemented to keep the children attentive. In the absence of implementation of these tactics, there will be least interested in the lecture being delivered to them in a monologue.

The resources that are required for this five days long session plan are kept very simple. The teacher will need only the map of the world to point out to children where a certain continent or ocean is located on the globe. I have tried to keep all the activities that make part of the WebQuest very interactive (ProTeacher, 2012). For instance, instead of bringing a map and showing the student the locations of oceans and continents, the teacher will bring ...