Ways To Improve Us Cuba Relations

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Ways to improve US Cuba Relations

Ways to improve US Cuba Relations


The relations between Cuba and U.S has been unfavorable from more than 40 years mostly which is based on edifice of mutual mistrust and suspicion between the two countries. The relations between two countries for political, economical, social and business interests have long been subject to tension and confrontations. The scholars and researchers in both countries who work closely with governments and policy makers are still unable to find ways to improve the relations between two countries despite the voluminous research conducted in the past. This essay aims to explore the ways which the scholars could produce innovative solutions and proposals which could improve the dialogue and mitigate the tension between the two countries. This would help the scholars to suggest their governments the realistic proposals which tend to overcome the obstacles and constraints between two countries bilateral relationship. The suggestions and recommendations would be provided in light of previous studies which contribute improving relations between two countries. This analyses conveys the joint propose of recommendation for both U.S and Cuba scholars and researchers to provide realistic suggestions to their government in improving bilateral relations between two countries.


Uplifting Restrictions of Cultural, Scientific, and Academic Interests

Various researchers have examined that academic exchanges between two countries is significant contributor in developing positive relations and diminution the bilateral tensions (Oliver, 1999). This is because both countries are greatly benefited from their academic exchanges which consequently reduce the cultural and scientific tensions in relations between the two countries. It is suggested that both countries should make untiring efforts to build network which work as bridge between their scholars, researchers, public intellectuals, scientists, and artists which could significantly promote the positive relations between the two countries. In addition, increasing the activities such as granting of licenses to academic institutions of both countries and providing visas to scholars, scientists and researchers would increase exchanging of knowledge and cultural interests leading to common understanding between the two countries.

Scholars also need to take into account in their proposals to promote the common meetings between the US and Cuban legislators and other social and political groups such as government advisors, intellectuals, scholars and researchers of both countries. The common reason of tension between both countries for many years is based on restrictions of U.S on Cuba to sale any kind of equipment and other materials for the purpose ...
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