Water Global Human Needs

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Water Global Human Needs


Outline of the Study3

Major & Minor Issue3

Problem Statement3

Background of the Study4

Rationale of the Study4

Research Aims & Objectives5

Research Hypothesis5

System Map6

Literature Review7

Quantity of Water for Basic Requirements10

Factors affecting through water pollution11

Industrial Wastage12

Human waste13


Agriculture wastage13


Research Design14

Research Procedures14

Implications at Micro Level15

Implications at Macro Level16

Direct Parallels16

Tactics for Overcoming Global Water Needs17



Teaching Tools21



Water Global Human Needs


Outline of the Study

The scarcity and contaminated water have frequently faced by every society. This issue has an alarming situation for globally because water is essential for everyone and needs related to water are almost same for every people. The shortage and polluted water have played a disastrous role in every country, which required certain immediate steps for eradicating this serious problem globally.

Major & Minor Issue

The macro issue of Southwestern Pennsylvania country is Water scarcity, and the minor issue is they have obtained polluted water due to which the mortality and diseases rate has increased.

Problem Statement

The country has faced critical issues of scarcity and polluted water, which is the main subject of this research study. The country has used contaminated water due to which their health is negatively affected. Through this research study, the investigators can evaluate the main factors of water global human needs.

Background of the Study

Supply of water in some parts of the country has created a gigantic issue that hard to tolerate. In Southwestern Pennsylvania, the government is totally negligible to overcome and improve the main concern of water that faced by country and pacing from the perilous time. The lack of attention of the government is enhancing the serious issue of scarcity of water. Besides, shortage of water, the pollution has another phase through which the supply of water in specific areas has restrained and due to which the civilians of that country countenance of that scarcity measures. This negative influences the civilian's health, which affect the Greene Country, Southwestern Pennsylvania. The researchers have still in progress for evaluating or analyzing the factors, through which the problem graph has enhanced. The country some area has marked as a unhealthy part, where the diseases has scattered easily. No alternative approach we can use on water because it fulfill the basic amenities of life.

Rationale of the Study

However, the government of Pennsylvania has familiar with the heinous water shortage negative effects, but instead of taking any preventive or corrective approach, they still neglect the water scarcity and pollution issues. Some cases present serious confronts for the state level and federal environmental organizations to look for maintain a resource of clean water for recreation as well as drinking purpose. State-level and federal government have a prospect to investigate for a maintain supply of water for inhabitants of Greene County so that they have a plentiful delivery of water and their addiction on contaminated water is considerably abridged. The country has faced significant problem, which has required immediate measures steps to eradicate or improve this problem in southwestern Pennsylvania country (Thompson, ...
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