“water For Elephants” By Sara Gruen

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“Water for Elephants” by Sara Gruen


Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen said, although in the eyes of an elderly gentleman, Jacob Jankowski, who is nearing the end of his life. And he reflects on his life in the circus, where his adult life, and then began to indicate that, where it is now. The novel goes back and forth between Jacob and Jacob, now in their youth. He tells his life as a veterinarian in a circus, and, moreover, his obsession with a married, Marlena. In addition, there is an elephant, Rose, who is the tragic hero in this tale. Sara Gruen title "Water for Elephants is a symbolic study of the basic human needs for love and recognition. The main symbols identified on the basis of unique characters who struggle to feed the deep internal desire. This paperprovides a Social-Psychological analysis of “Water for Elephants” written by Sara Gruen.Effect of conflicting social values on the main characters

Heroes, "Water for Elephants (Walter, Camel, and in August, for example), certainly is not part of mainstream society, but these characters are very interesting and have become more realistic, more like a novel rather than just the cartoons Misfits. Two characters that fit into society more easily than others, and Jacob Marlena. Gruen manages to take all of these characters and paint them in real life, ways that make you sympathetic to him, although there are rough action, heartless at times and sad.

Rose, the elephant is mentioned in the title of Sara Gruen, is a powerful symbol. In the brutal hand of August, its insane handler Rose live passionless lives. When she reaches over, drinking sweet lemonade circus that she craves, but not on the water that it needs for subsistence, she was beaten into submission. August in the cruel message ...
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