Water For Elephants

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Water for Elephants

Water for Elephants


Jacob Jankowski is living in a nursing home has more than 90 years, he has questions because residents are glued my nose to the window, and are particularly excited today. Prompted by curiosity he comes out of his chair and approached the window with her walker, in the parking lot has installed a huge tent. That which lifts him high emotions, memories come back to him during those moments of drowsiness that is how we learn at the age of twenty three years while he was studying to be a veterinarian, his parents were killed in a tragic car accident. Overwhelmed with grief the day of the exam, he slams the door and jumps into the first train.

This train is carrying the Benzini Brothers traveling circus. We are then in 1930, the U.S. is in economic crisis and the circus also makes the cost. Yet Jacob manages to be recruited to care for animals, then begins a new life for him made of encounters and friendships, jealousies and cruelties, but also love and feelings. Besides the main characters endearing us to discover the world of circus, menagerie, jugglers. The interest of the novel lies in the fact that the author introduces us to the backstage circus of 30 years, that is hidden beneath the glitter and misery, abuse, competition, profit, and that 'in fact that one is operating or if the artist does not pay, it ejects without concessions neither more nor less. When Jacob comes out of those moments of slumber, he also speaks of his old age and condition of resident. that being old does not mean to be invalid for all, he is above all a human being that has desires that he wants to be respected and being attended to constantly humiliates highest point. the passage of the circus as the days of her youth has opened up new prospects it does not hesitate to enter. I had some reservations about reading this novel, a story fear a bit cheesy as I was bored, and not at all. It was a worthwhile read from many points of view, the circus that is large or small is a fascinating medium and author who delights in these pages has brilliantly recreate the unique atmosphere of this universe.


Water for Elephants is really a fascinating novel. The story is dazzling and colorful, just the way you imagine even a circus. Sara Gruen describes the events easy and unaffected, their characters are very interesting and all have something mysterious about him. That Sara Gruen, the story of Jacob's point of view, and especially so to speak, describes in retrospect, makes the story more credible only, you feel even closer to the action. It begins with one of the 90-year-old (or perhaps he is 93, he can not remember exactly) meets Jacob, who lives in a retirement home. A circus comes to town, and the causes of old Jacob remembers his time at the ...
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