Wasting Homeland Security Dollars

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Wasting Homeland Security Dollars

Wasting Homeland Security Dollars

Wasting Homeland Security Dollars

The Department of Homeland Security has wasted up to almost a half billion dollars in taxpayer money plus time on its current plans to expand technology at the nation's borders to detect nuclear material being smuggled into the country.

The United States of America utilised to be assured in the information that the homeland was protected from war and actions of terrorism due to the detail that America is enclosed by seas and oceans that competently discourage any brutal attacks upon the country. The Japanese verified this idea incorrect when they effectively assaulted Pearl Harbor and committed the United States as one of the two nations engaged in the Second World War, the other homeland being Germany.

Upon the beat of the Japanese and Germans, the peacetime era was escorted in and the United States someway became engaged in holding calm the world over, competently producing the homeland the world policeman force. The homeland was competently detached from the actions of war and terror over the world. The United States was afresh regarded to be impenetrable and adept of keeping protected itself by air, land, or sea. Indeed, as a infantry force, the homeland is certain thing to be considered with.

The engrossment by then should have moved to defending the homeland from the risks impersonated by those nations and political managers who the United States in an open way opposed. By 1997, the period Homeland Defense was hurled round a allotment by the Department of Defense and coined in alignment to recount their concept of an association or bureau whose sole blame would be to fight back the homeland throughout times of necessity or foreign attack. (History, March, 2007)But the homeland let its guard down and became lax, homeland security wise. The National Defense Panel had warned the country's managers as early as 1997 that the U.S. mainland and its territories were evolving a goal for terrorist risks and proposed a redirection of the security vigilance towards these areas. This report dropped upon deafness ears and even though there were some endeavours to refocus the vigilance towards defending the homeland, it took the happenings of September 11, 2001 to eventually convey the homeland to the brutal truth that the U.S. was really a terrorist goal and was open to even the most straightforward of terrorist acts. The truth that homeland security did not live for America and its territories eventually strike home.

By delineation, Homeland Security is tasked to defend the homeland from any interior and external risks of terrorism either by deterrence, avoidance, or pre-emption. It has been tasked to insure the security and sovereignty of the homeland community, territory, and infrastructure. As the happenings of September 11, 2001 illustrated, homeland security, as a notion, defence, or a security department did not exist. All that lived were some bureaus to accumulate data but not actually allotted to assimilate and proceed upon such security risk ...