The world encompasses of numerous differing and varying aspects. At one place where the inhabitants relish the beauty and blessings of nature, at the same time in some other part of the world, there are inhabitants, which mourn over the adversity that impedes their felicity and bestows onto them the extended pain and anguish, in the form of destruction and loss.
Interestingly, this partiality of the world for its inhabitants has been its tradition from primitive times. A lot might have changed over time for the world and its inhabitants, but what has remained immutable, is the hatred the inhabitants possess for each other, and the anguish and destruction, which they are coerced to witness, as the primary consequence of that hatred, as well as indefinable greed for land, resources or power.
In the literal sense, the term war denotes the open declaration, waging or execution of the armed conflict between two parties or two groups. Interestingly, war is simple not an instant outburst of anger that one party takes out on the other via the utilization of arms. In fact, the declaration or the execution of war is rather an organized and well planned armed conflict, in which every move and progress of a respective party, is astutely worked out and executed according to a well crafted strategy.
Moreover, every action that takes place on this earth bears some consequences, and the war is not exception in this regard. What war entails is the financial constrains for the nation, as well as the social disorder, and most importantly the precious loss of lives to a significant extent. However, over time, the previously mentioned detrimental effects of the same may still exist, but what have changed are the fashions and the manners in which these wars are now executed and fought between the nations.
Conduct of War in Medieval Times
The wars that were fought in the medieval ages, themselves were rather advanced and well organized, as compared to their prior times. The changes that the western world underwent in that era, also brought significant changes and developments in the conduct of the warfare, and amongst those developments was the essential emergence of castles and their astute utilization in wars. Just like in current times, even back in medieval ages the western super powers were consumed and involved in the indefinable race and competition of the weapons, with respect to their quantity, strength, as well as their continuous advancements.
Formulation of the Middle Age Battles/Wars
Back in the middle ages, the responsibility of the formulation or preparation, as well as devising the astute schemes and plans for the execution of certain activities, rested on to the shoulders of the administrative body comprising of the war leaders, which would either be led by a chosen commander, or a group of war leaders (Powicke, 1977, p. 618).
Most often, the war orders would be directed via the church, and rationale behind ...