Warren Buffett

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Warren Buffett


In this research we try to discover the insight of “Warren Buffett” in a holistic perspective. The key heart of the study is on “Warren Buffett”. The research also examines various characteristics of “Warren Buffett” and tries to put light on “his background/ career path” and what he has achieved so far. The research will also give an insight of “his success and about his influence on the world's economics.” Further the research will also discuss “Warren Buffet's role in politics”, “His role as a philanthropist” and “his success strategy.”

Table of Contents


Background and Career Path2

Private Life4

Buffett and His Partnerships5

Warren Buffett's Achievements Till Today7

Buffett's Influence on the World's Economy8

Buffett's Role in Politics11

Buffett as a Philanthropist14

The Strategy of Warren Buffett16

The philosophy18

Criteria for choice of action19

Warren Buffett


Warren Buffett was born in Omaha (Nebraska) in 1930, in the middle of the United States. Focusing on the Stock Exchange at the age of 16 years, Buffett had only a single trade over the last forty years: investment. Given the immense accumulated fortune and it definitely deserves a place of honor in the pantheon of fund managers. In 1956, Warren Buffett moved back to his hometown, where he has lived since. It gradually takes control of a publicly traded textile group, Berkshire Hathaway. After having recovered, he uses Berkshire as an investment vehicle: in 1967, he acquired a first insurance company, National Indemnity and GEICO. Quickly, insurers will become the main providers of liquidity of the holding company that is Berkshire Hathaway.

Virtually unchanged since the beginning of his career, his investment principles make Buffett a "good father". He is primarily interested in undervalued companies - listed or not -, profitable, and whose know-how "niche" are leaders in their respective markets. Regardless of their industry: Buffett is a financial, not industrial.

Success has never denied: the asset value of Berkshire Hathaway has grown an average of 21.1% per annum between 1965 and 2007, twice more than the U.S. stock market index S & P 500 over the same period. Today, the action of Berkshire Hathaway Class 'A' is the most expensive of the New York Stock Exchange: never divided, it was trading at about $ 123,000 at October 21, limiting its decline since the early to 13%, in the face - 33% S & P 500. Besides its unlisted investments, the portfolio of Berkshire currently has less than forty shares, mainly American Ranked by Forbes in March 2011; Warren Buffett is the third richest man in the world behind Bill Gates and Carlos Slim, worth an estimated $ 50 billion.

Background and Career Path

Warren Buffett was one of three children born to Howard and Leila Buffett in the heart of the Midwest in Omaha, Nebraska in 1930 during the Great Depression. Warren buffet's family roots dated back to the early 1600's in the United States. Buffett's great grandfather started a grocery store in 1869 in downtown Omaha. Buffett and the future Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Charlie Munger, would later go on to work in the grocery ...
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