War Over The Family

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War over the family

“War over the Family” by David Popenoe

“War over the Family” by David Popenoe


David Popenoe is a world renowned author and editor of several books relating to marriage, family life and the philosophies on which it is built. In this paper, I will be analyzing his book “War over the family”, which was published in 2008 and has since been one of the pioneering works in dealing with family life and the lifestyle changes that come across through this. The author is a professor of sociology and has co-directed the National Marriage Project at his university, as well as holding the position of being co-chairman of Council on Families in America. David Popenoe presented a very well known report on Marriages in America, called “ Marriage in America: A Report to the Nation”. He has been on the forefront for ideological study in married and family life, and this book is one such example of his vast knowledge.


What with the current social debate of the sanctity of marriage in America and its variations, the topic has received a lot of attention in media and off it alike. The controversial and surprising debate has led to some heated confrontations and its meaning as well as importance has been explored far and wide in American culture. The debate in War over the family is centred around the sudden weakening in the institution of marriage in the past few decades, and how it seems as though conventional practices are slowly crumbling as people struggle to survive in inflated economics and politically turbulent environments that place them at the mercy of their leaders. Although this scenario may seem far fetched in explaining America, if analyzed properly, the situation is not that far from this truth. Contemporary American life and its views on the sanctity of marriage are ever changing, and it is slowly losing its meaning and significance in people's lives. It has become a topic that is widely discussed in media nowadays, and several of its effects have been dissected through expert opinions and professional psychiatrist's views. Experts have categorized problems in families as those that spring up because family members are in denial of there even being a problem in the host, and those who lash out whenever problems arise, thus inflicting pain on themselves as well as those around them. The other issue discussed in the book is whether or not the value of marriage is being relegated upon children, of whether their interests are being thought of by the parents who are unheeding on their children as they decide to marry and divorce and then marry again. This is a particularly vicious cycle that affects the psyche of children as they try to maintain a goal model of how society works, or even how a house is made.

David Popenoe debates on whether times are such that adults are now putting their own needs and desires before those of their children and their wellbeing as being bought up ...
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