Walt Disney Company

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Walt Disney Company



Negative publicity4

SWOT Analysis6

Financial side of SWOT6

External environment7

Corporate-Level Strategy & Corporate Leadership10

Marketing Strategy………………………………………………………………………………12


Marketing Dashboard……………………………………………………………………………13



Walt Disney Company

Executive Summary Disney has cantered of business expansion for quite some time and the association fronts a wide exhibit of items and administrations. Likewise, since the restraints of section into the exceptionally specific industry in which Disney is working, rivalry will find it demanding to infiltrate the association's remarkably enhanced product/service blend. Management of the Walt Disney, which is known for its quality and skilful leadership, strive to expand its business on only on those countries that are aware of company's name, and give value to its quality production, must have a large population, and most importantly, that country must be in a stable economic position. The Walt Disney Company (Walt Disney or 'the company'), together with its subsidiaries, is an enhanced stimulation association. Additionally, it could be extremely risky by entering into business sectors which are completely unnecessary to the products/services that the clients straightforwardly take up with the Disney Company. The Disney Company has as of now put value top sides on huge numbers of its item lines, and ought to have the ability to contend with new contenders.


Learning from its mistakes with Disneyland Resort Paris, Disney paid special attention to cultural issues pertaining to Hong Kong Disneyland (HKD). Feng Shui was consulted for advice on the park layout and design. The Chinese people were also very superstitious so that the 4th floor (4 sounding like death in the Chinese language) was skipped in hotels and one of the main ballrooms measured 888 square meters (8 being an auspicious number). Employees spoke English, Cantonese, and Mandarin so that communication would be easier. Also, signs were in English and Chinese. Restaurants served a variety of Asian and Western food, catering to the different preferences of its customers. However, with all these mechanisms in place, HKD did not do so well because it still had a lot to learn about the Chinese culture, as shown in the example with the Chinese New Year fiasco (see below). There was just too much negative publicity about the park that they overshadowed the promised magical experience at HKD.


The procedure or technique, there is escalating opportunities of enhancing relationship and mobility, not only in the world market, but also in the business environment that is moving from national to the international market (Ales & Karel, 2012).

Moreover, enhancement in the technologies has enhanced the process of communication, travelling and thus has made the concept of globalization more simple and easy to understand. In the modern era, every small and large company is striving hard to expand their business into the global context, so that they can sustain their position in the market place, and can effectively compete with its competitors.

Walt Disney is known as the strongest and power media and entertainment company, that is operating across the globe, and with quality product and a broad range of customers has create an unmatchable niche in the ...
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