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Discuss the company's advertising strategy and how it aligns with its marketing goals.

Wal-Mart uses a “Low price Everyday” advertising campaign to attract customers. They offer lower prices to customers as compared to the other retailers. The main goals of Wal-Mart are to maintain the low retail prices and they have been successful in doing this. Experts have estimated that Wal-Mart saves their customers at least 15% on a usual groceries cart. The company attracts customers by offering lower prices and discount deals. The Wal-Mart is flourishing because of its strong decisions and marketing strategies, as well as the implementation of innovative strategic decisions (Johnson, 2002). Wal-Mart provides customers with one-stop shopping experiences, from clothing to work-out equipment and groceries to and hardware. The sales of Wal-mart have raised up to 17% in a year. Stronger spending of consumers in the United States has assisted the fortunes of Wal-mart.

Discuss how the effectiveness of the advertising will be measured.

The effectiveness of the TV and print advertising can be evaluated in different ways like television ratings, feedback and surveys of the customers. Web advertisements are the easiest of the other advertising mediums to measure. They have automated tracking. Web-site managers can collect information which is specific and statistical regarding the prospective customers and their purchasing habits. Site statistics software can indicate where inquiries originated and even which web pages they visited (Johnson, 2002). The advertisement on social networking websites can also be easily measured as the company will know how many times people have clicked on their advertisement. Other advertising measurement can be done through the following:

clicks on the website or page

newsletter subscriptions

file downloads

completed transactions in your e-shop

submitted contact forms

Discuss the promotional strategies that may be used in addition to advertising.

Apart from the advertising, Wal-Mart can use different promotional strategies which can promote ...
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