Walden Library - Forum Post Replies

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Walden Library - Forum Post Replies

Author: Jody Post

Posted Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 9:02:48 PM EDT

Edited Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 9:02:48 PM EDT


Using Walden's library is exciting because I have all types of resources at my fingertips. I really enjoy using Medline as a resource. When in nursing school, I found it very helpful for various projects. Also, Proquest is a great resource that contains numerous journals for research projects …


I agree entirely with everything you said! Selecting two resources was extremely difficult, especially since I took the time to go through quite a few of them! ProQuest is undoubtedly one of my favorites. Not only can it be used for a variety of subjects, but the information can be sorted based on publication dates, but types as well. If I need a journal or a newspaper article, I can find it all on ProQuest. Grammarly is also an exceptional tool and has helped improve my writing immensely. Not only has it improved my vocabulary, but it has also helped a lot with sentence structuring too. I have noticed that the number of errors in my writing is gradually decreasing, surely a good sign! I would also recommend Sage Research Methods. It is quite literally an enormous encyclopedia. One can find the required information in just a few key strokes and even fewer clicks.

The Walden Library is not only exciting but extremely easy to use. The website is quite self explanatory and I was able to quickly navigate to, and select, the material I wanted to utilize in my research. I would recommend it to everyone looking to do some research!

Author: Michelle Riddick

Posted Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 9:34:42 PM EDT

Edited Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 9:34:42 PM EDT


The necessary material needed to answer this week's discussion question helped me gain ...