Voluntary Disclosure Reporting Program

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Voluntary disclosure reporting program and how it enhances Safety management System


This report provides comprehensive information concerning what Voluntarily Disclosure Reporting Program is, its reason and purpose for existence. Secondly this report also explains its role in safety management explaining in detail why it is of immense concern. With the help of reliable and most recent data, information is present in this report.

Voluntary disclosure reporting program and how it enhances Safety management System

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this report is to create awareness relating to what Voluntary Disclosure Reporting Program and how far if it is, responsible in enhancing safety management system. This report brings forth examples with justification to the extent United States of America is taking an active role in this.

Research Methodology

Research Methodology of this paper involves Qualitative research whereby one collects and assembles information for this topic from very reliable and reputable sources. These sources include proper documented reports, researches that one conducts in this specific context. The data collection is done through secondary sources primarily.


Voluntary Disclosure Program

Voluntary Disclosure Reporting Program (VDRP) is a system that aids the FAA officers as well as entities that deal with regulation in providing a well automated and centralized and protected web application. This application incorporates processing related to voluntary disclosure of information. This application also facilitates and protects all documents and their requirements along with helping users in following the policy with respect to self- disclosure. This has immense importance in relation to security management system as it helps FAA system that includes networks, equipment, devices relating to network in processing information to Government officials (Leftwitch, 2000).

In order to provide voluntary disclosure, this programs incorporates that one should provide evidence in a written documentation or report form that support a certificate holder's, qualified fractional ownership programs, or PAH's analysis of the disclosed blatant violation. This evidence generally has origin from four components. These are mentioned below.

Examining equipment

Interviewing the information

Observing activities

Reviewing documents or manuals.


This Voluntary Disclosure Reporting Program is applicable to all sort of data be it criminal or civil matters, aircraft concerns, or any other data that requires is of substantial use and whose mishandling can be disastrous. Optional Security Program (GSP) branch, AFS-230, situated at the airport, Dulles. Suppliers must provide AFS-230 with significant business processes to support the voluntary disclosure program (VDRP) and to become associated with the voluntary security program. It also provides maintenance and development of related automated systems. Second, to support business processes in accordance with FAA requirements for internal management of the voluntary program managed by AFS-230, VDRP gives the owner a certificate, indirect air carriers and licensees manufacturing method. It does this to prevent publication of matters of civil penalty of the FAA safety that takes corrective action to address these issues.

According to FAA safety is served by providing incentives for organizations to identify and correct their own instances of noncompliance with regulations and invest more resources in an effort to prevent ...
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