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Public Relationship Model in Volkswagen India

Public Relationship Model in Volkswagen India


Public relations is the set of methods and technologies used by groups (businesses, unions, political parties, states) and by interest groups, to inform the public of their achievements, promote their brand, generate the sympathy for them outside and foster good relations within . This communication is generally more personal by intervening through the relay system (or an organization that links between two or more agents sharing the same goal. This type of system is used in a wide variety of areas). The term "public relations" can have a negative connotation because it includes methods that aim to change or to direct the opinion of individuals on various topics covered, which could be comparable to the handling indirect through precisely relays such as newspapers, advertisements, films, documentaries, etc (Grunig 1984, 6).

Public Relations are the organ that connects the audience with the institution of internal and external and technical progress in various media, particularly with regard to communication role in increasing the effectiveness of this device. Increased demand in recent thread on the development of public relations departments, and the reason for the demand for this branch of his involvement management is played by this device and its importance for each institution where the transfer of a picture of the activities and services provided by the public and the public need to get that information (Grunig 1984, 6).

Public relations differ in their concepts and their applications according to the person on the top of the hierarchy and thus shaped by the concepts of personal and therefore responsible , foreman conscious to his responsibilities well and knower of the importance of public relations and its importance and the fact that their role is undoubtedly not a manager who does not know about public relations than simple partial very limited, often in business-related guests and visitors, and this partial, though important, they represent a partial simple in the general framework the concept of public relations.

Grunig and Hunt have developed four models of public relations where they are related to the public relations. The models describe the evolution of public relations. The 'ideal' approach by Grunig and Hunt has been the two-way symmetrical model and it is placed in the top most of the evolutionary pyramid. The other three models are The Press Agentry Model, The Public Information Model and The 2-way Asymmetrical Model. This paper will be discussing the theories of the ideal approach of Grunig and Hunt which are the two-way symmetrical model (Grunig 1984, 6).

The objectives of the professionals who practice this model are:

1)To convince the press to publish the information his client,

2)Disseminate the client's name in the mass media;

3)Avoid the negative treatment of the press, and

4)Provide the greatest number of news about an event, regardless irrespective of interest information.

The two-way asymmetrical model is intended to persuade audiences scientifically. Those professionals who practice using the methods and techniques of social sciences study the attitudes and behaviors of ...
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