Voilent Offenders

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Proposed treatment for violent offenders

Proposed treatment for violent offenders


In this paper, we present a proposal for treatment for violent offenders by analyzing the factors that make these treatments and providing premises and guidelines necessary to impart. Also, expose the factors needed by teams to maximize the effectiveness of treatments and the need for individualized interventions tailored to the issues raised by this population to enable rehabilitation. At the same time, believe that the effectiveness of treatments such offenders may be potentiated including interventions to develop the motivation to change.

Discussion and Analysis

The Treatment Proposal for violent aggressors. We analyze the factors that could hinder treatment process and we establish the premises and actions necessary to be able to implement such treatment. Emphasize the need we also of individual interventions tailored to the problems of this population to make rehabilitation possible and suggest that the effectiveness of this kind of treatment offender be enhanced by the May inclusion of interventions that develop motivation to change.

In our society, there are options to reduce or curb the violent behaviour of individuals. One of these is the deprivation of liberty in both prisons and mental institutions, with or without chemotherapy or psychotherapeutic interventions. Our system unfortunately has no rehabilitation measures after serving a sentence. It has been in fact finding, due to recidivism, that post-crime measures involving deprivation of liberty of individuals deemed dangerous, it is not effective unless it involves an alternative treatment. (Agnew, 2005 pp. 179)

Methods of Detecting Deceitfulness

As supervising a brutal criminal is a significant worry of nowadays, a variety of diverse strategies and measures are being implemented to administer and oversee them. The issue of lying is among the most common ones, which is established in the mainstream civilizations. Whereas the huge prevalence of being deceitful is in general insignificant, being deceitful to law enforcing agencies such as the police department can have intense legal implications. While, uncovering of cheating might significantly distress those in agencies related to law enforcement, inclusive of law enforcers gathering proof, the prevention of the terrorists from crossing the border by the customs officials, a suspect being interrogated by the detectives, and the operatives of intelligences stressing for data regarding significant threats to the state. Sufferers might exaggerate their information or hold back vital data that might lead to their arrest. Deceptions of such sort might well stop the investigation of the law enforcement agencies. Thought, the capability to identify dishonesty is so significant that expert apparatus and methods have been produced and employed. (Stromwall, 2004 pp. 67)

Provided the significance of identifying deceitfulness, certain literatures have been produced portraying the ways through which criminal justice practitioners can identify the deceitfulness of the suspects. In spite of opinions inquiring polygraph's legitimacy, it's comprehensively utilised in the surrounding of law enforcement. An additional deceitfulness recognition method is statement validity assessment (SVA), a three-phase (structured interview, criteria-based content analysis, and evaluation of the analysis) mechanism firstly intended to confirm adolescent's declaration in the ...
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