Voicing Our Values

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Assessment Two Case Study - Voicing our Values

Assessment Two Case Study - Voicing our Values


Every company, regardless of its size and its fields activities, must be increasingly vigilant in its responsibility, both legal and moral, to stop the behavior before irrespecteux that there is widening. We need to prevent violence, not, manage the crisis. The program "Open the right doors," discusses the resolution of and conflict mediation, communication and aims to help organizations who want to improve or revise the notions of violence workplace. We suggest that we present the video in full as introduction and to present the individual segments as part of the training. Recent years have seen an unprecedented breakdown in public trust of business, spurred in no small part by instances of unethical behavior at some of the world's most powerful institutions. Employers value employees who maintain a sense of honesty and integrity above all else. Good relationships are built on trust. When working for an employer they want to know that they can trust what you say and what you do. Successful businesses work to gain the trust of customers and maintain the attitude that “the customer is always right”. It is the responsibility of each person to use their own individual sense of moral and ethical behavior when working with and serving others within the scope of their job.


People can say that communication is not an act, in the sense that it is something simple, but is a complex process that has several stages or steps. Indeed, consider a simple communication: asking who is in front of me: What is your name? Before asking this question had to be formed in the mind the idea of what we meant. Then find the words expressing our thoughts. After pronouncing them or write them, get to the sight or hearing of our neighbor, spend your senses to the mind, decode the graphic or sound came, and, finally, get our message or not, as he understood or not our language. It is desirable to keep this clarification prior to entering the study of this topic within our discipline, as it should be noted the difficulties at any stage of that communication process can occur, defeating the best conceived plan or program. Note that the only way to relate to each other humans is through the communication and that, therefore, cannot be good PR if there are no good communications (Giacalone & Jurkiewicz, 2003).

Communications in general can be classified into:

Intentional: What are those, as its name implies, are made ??intentionally, be they written, verbal, by signs or other means, and

Unintentional: What are those, as well as the name suggests, are not intended to convey, but which, however, are issued. For example: clothing, flushing, trembling hands, tan skin, and so on. Often these communications are not unintentional want them to do, they try to hide, but a keen observer you can not escape and will serve to obtain data from the caller made ??intentionally ...
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