Vocabulary Learning Environment

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Vocabulary Learning Environment

Supportive Vocabulary Learning Environment

Five Vocabulary Learning Strategies

Strategy #1: Pair-Share- Teaching

The teacher divides the class into pairs

Five words are selected from the book and listed on the board.

The instructor directs the students to the selected words in the vocabulary cartoons.

The pairs join another pair and share additional generated sentences.

Strategy 2: task of whipping around and Pass Option- Reading

The students are asked to complete the tasks in the text.

Students take turn defining one of the vocabulary words.

Students whip around the circle giving each student a word.

The instructor needs to share with the students that a pass is a respected option.

Strategy #3: Poster Session: either pair or Individual activity- Listening

Students are asked to select three vocabulary words

The students review the words in the book.

The students are asked to complete a poster showing three words. The poster display is self explanatory showing the use of words in an illustration of the suitable use of words (Sadler, 1989).

Strategy #4: Cooperative Groups comprising of 3 or 4 students- Writing

Selecting 5 sets of 5 words from the vocabulary cartoon.

The students are assigned small cooperative groups to each set of words (Sadler, 1989).

The groups are asked to write a story with the use of all the five words appropriately.

Each group illustrates their story and presents it to the class.

Strategy #5: The Firing Line- Speaking

The students are assigned the vocabulary words and are divided into the group of two.

The chairs are arranged in two facing rows.

The students are assigned words on a card.

Every student is required to ask the student in the opposite row to give a definition for each word as quickly as possible.

Lesson Plan- Reading



Carol E, Vocabulary Building, Word Roots.



Topic or Unit of Study

Vocabulary Building Exercise 1


4th-6th grade


Students will read the sentences in the exercise and will write down the best match word to complete sentence. The activity will involve applying the past knowledge to the new sentences (Black, 2002).



Concept 1: Vocabulary

PO1: using knowledge of the synonyms and antonyms

PO4: To examine the figurative language like similes and idioms.



The teacher will instruct every student individually if required. The aim will be to encourage student to use the new words.

Vocabulary Support for Strategy 1

The teacher will divide the class into pairs and provide them with words. The teacher will keep on instructing on how to use new words and discuss them with each other.



The student will use dictionary for coming up with new words. They will also be supported by oral language to be able to pronounce the words correctly.

Anticipatory Set

The teacher will provide the book “Vocabulary Building, Word Roots” by Carol E. the student will read the vocabulary exercise chapter and they will be asked to solve the individual exercise, he teacher will keep on facilitating their tasks through the discussions.

Guided Practice

Use of the flash cards will facilitate the retention of words.


The students will use the words in the sentences and will ...
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