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Extremism is a term used to describe a doctrine or attitude (political or religious) calling for action by all means to achieve his ends. Extremists advocate values highly contested and rejected by society. The extremist actions are therefore (violent and aggressive methods) aimed a change radical.


Abolitionists had to fight tirelessly against the virulence of the passions and exasperated the vilest, ever; they were besieged by hatred and calumny. Most men who were hanged or flogged or tortured in horrific ways than twenty south, as abolitionists, that is to say, seeking to raise as slaves against their masters, were , apparently, that men careless in their speech to hide the horror that inspired them to slavery.


Isolationist defines foreign policy of a State which is politically and economically isolated from others, to stay away from international affairs.

The attack on the surprise Japanese fleet at Pearl Harbour forced the American public to repudiate its isolationist tradition. The President Franklin D. Roosevelt announces to Congress in the coming war by Americans. Meanwhile, in Washington, 26 countries adopted the program of the Atlantic Charter. This led to the Declaration of the United Nations on 1 January 1942 and the formation of the Grand Alliance against the powers of the Axis and Japan.


It was originated from Italian Fascism, beam (emblem of authority in ancient Rome used by the militia of Mussolini).

Strictly speaking, Fascism is the regime born of the crisis that followed the First World War, created by Benito Mussolini in Italy from 1922 to 1945. This is based on the dictatorship of a single party, a power authoritarian, nationalistic and anti.


Originally, the term activist (from the Latin miles, argues: "Soldier" were those who fought, sword in hand, to defend (or impose) their own ideas and beliefs or those of their school of thought. Activism may designate a "zeal" shown by some to bring people to a cause.

The twenty-first century, in countries with culture and functioning democracy , an activist using less violent methods, although some aggressive actions and binding can sometimes get in the panoply of political activism.


Socialism is a political doctrine and economic aims, unlike the model liberal, to reform the system of property without the means of production and exchange and appropriation thereof by the community.

The core values ??of socialism were: the lack of classes (at least in its origins), the equality of opportunity, justice social, distribution equitable resources, ...
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