Visual Rhetoric

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Visual Rhetoric


Visual Rhetoric is one of the three original liberal arts (the others are dialectic and grammar). And although he has had many different meanings during its 2,500 year history, it is now generally described as the art of persuasion through language. Thus, the rhetoric can describe a subject or idea of ??a persuasive with the intent to cause conviction.

The visual rhetoric is a relatively recent branch of rhetoric applies the methods of rhetorical criticism to explain the visual communication between senders and receivers, visual rhetoric is any visual manifestation like a deliberate act of communication at the same time.

All forms of visual communication included in the culture and history of visual art can be considered within the domain of visual rhetoric. Visual tropes and tropic thinking are part of the visual rhetoric . In a concrete sense, visual rhetoric can be defined as the art of persuasion through the use of images. Graphic design, visual communication as a form has a close relationship with the visual rhetoric is often not taken into account. The design seeks to maximize the impact of a communication between a sender and a receiver, conjugate tract written text, image or sign. His ability to communicate is measured by its influence in the public and the effectiveness of the means used to disseminate these messages. Abraham Moles was it established, originally, the relationship between ends and means of design, and its denotation semantic load (meaning) and connotative aesthetic load (draws us saying how) .

Visual Metaphors

A metaphor is a figure of speech where a comparison is made between two objects with no apparent relation. An object in a sentence is replaced by a second object transmitted to the first object explicit and implicit characteristics. An example of metaphor is the famous phrase "Time is money" where you are transferring the characteristics of the word "gold" (valuable, rare, precious) to the word "time" to mean value.

Originally metaphor is a Greek word meaning transfer. Its etymology is from meta means "change" and pherein which means "to carry or move." Thus, the word metaphor is itself a metaphorical meaning: "to carry or transfer meaning from one thing to another".

The visual metaphors work in a similar way, a complex message is replaced by a simple but evocative image that it transferred to its meaning. For example when a company that produces canned fruit juices to their product puts a brand with a pictogram representing a tree is intended to replace the receiver in mind the characteristics of the product (canned, industrialized, mass-produced and so on.) By tree (nature, freshness, healthy). That's a visual metaphor.



Targeted Audience

The target audience for the above visual argument would be the tween, adult, youth and all the other peoples who are serious drinker and they drive when they are drunk. In the United States in 2007, the death toll from accidents caused by teen drivers drunk was of 1,393, almost four deaths every day of the year.

In the United ...
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