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Visual Representations Of Rhetoric

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Visual Representations of Rhetoric

Visual Representations of Rhetoric


David Ignatius Walsh was a popular politician from the state of Massachusetts who lived through November 1872 to June 1947. He belonged to the Democratic Party and served initially as the 43rd Lieutenant Governor during 1913 to 1914 followed by becoming the 46th Governor during the 1914 to 1916 ( Walsh was said to be elected in the senate of United States Senate for 4 times consequently serving from the year of 1926 to the year of 1947. As far as the foreign affairs were concerned, David Walsh remained an isolationist, from the time of U.S. domination involving Philippines where he showed opposition to and opposed the Lend-Lease until the attack on Pearl Harbor (


David I Walsh, according to the Time Magazine remained politically popular in his time. He was recognized as the gruff and the bull voiced debater who was rated as a practical politician who was good as well as a legislator who was above average. His philosophy in relation to politics can be depicted as being both humane and liberal except when it comes to economic matters when it is concerning the tariffs where he reverted to adopting a conservative viewpoint.

Walsh, after winning the elections as a delegate at large indulged in endorsing various provisions for the initiative and referendum, a process that significantly allowed various citizens of the U.S. state to place new legislations on a popular ballot or even place various laws that are passed by the legislature and vote on it. David I Walsh's popularity as both a politician and a reformer can be depicted from one of his speeches that he had given on the behalf of the initiatives and referendum (Fleming, 2001).

Within his speech, Walsh attempted to carefully point out and make reference to those people who although claim to be in favor of democracy and pretend to hold their beliefs and policies on the basis of democracy, but in reality they were nothing more than sheer autocrats who wished to run things and the state affairs the way they wished to, without paying any heed to the concerns, wishes or well being of the public. Walsh claimed that these men whose thinking was confined to believing in a government that is run by just a handful of “college class bred” only comprising of people who have either been commercially successful or were said to be ...
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