Visual Learning Style

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Visual Learning Style

Visual Learning Style


Every individual is different and learn differently. The process of learning starts at the very beginning of an individual person and continues till the last breath. Researchers have been done investigation on human brain and how they process information. This is not about processing the information, but retaining it for some period of time. In past teachers were faced with immense difficulties in handling bunch of students in class. The difficulties were not only in handling their attitude and disgruntle behavior, but the main reason is to effectively communicate the course lesson.

The problem continues, as the process of learning prevails at every stage of life. As a person grows he chooses different career and profession to fulfill economic purposes. To fit, understand; assimilate in institution and organizations, depends on the capability of how quickly and effectively they grasp the content and instruction. There are numbers of situations in the past where individuals were considered dumb or naïve as they were unable to respond appropriately. This has given rise to negative attitude towards learning and education, and in turn faced with serious failure in future.

The problem seeks the attention of various researchers and resulted in varied solutions. One of the solution is VARK Questionnaire which is developed, in order to ascertain the how an individual prefer to learn, with in presence of various learning style. They are the online questionnaire, available in different language and users are offered with personalized learning profile. The questionnaire is designed to assess the preferred style of individual as the question as are formatted with options in random orders. For each time attempting the questionnaire the options are arranged in different orders (BLC, n.d).


The questionnaires inform people with variety of learning style or approaches. It provides support people in learning, working in different spheres of life, such as business, sports, mentors and teaching. It provide assistance to those who ants to adopt different approaches for imparting instructions and coaching. It helps in formulating strategies and additional learning using VARK. It is successfully used by business concerns, in different team setting, and one-to-one learning. The learning style concluded with some detail explanation in order to avoid confusion.

VISUAL Learning Style

On completing the test, the results come in the form as Visual, Aural, Read/Write and Kinesthetic learner. Every person grasps and process information in personalized way. Mainly there are four cognitive styles of learning. There is a commonality in every style that it assists to one in understanding the best method of learning. The results of the questionnaire help in maximizing the time consumed on studying by applying different techniques. Each learning style has specific technique and method the best fit the different ways an individual may learn best.

The visual learner is more inclined learning through viewing different objects, pictures, diagrams, diagrams and seeing information in bullet form. They are the kind of people, who possess good aesthetic sense, and re good at learning through postures and ...
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