Visual Ethnography

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Visual Ethnography

Visual Ethnography

Visual Ethnography


Visual ethnography is considered as one of the biggest initiatives, which may significantly help in teaching the students, suffering from autism. Visual ethnography may greatly help the secondary school teachers of UK, in educating the students, who do not have the capability of learning. It is often observed that, the visual ethnography may include various techniques and technologies and these techniques are considered as the most effective and appropriate techniques of helping children, suffering from autism, in learning. Autism is referred as the complex and extremely severe developmental disability (Hirano,, 2010, pp. 54-55). According to medical researchers autism may lead the patient towards severe consequences. It is because of the reason that, autism may greatly affect the functions of the brain and may significantly affect the social interaction and communication skills (Gillott,, 2001, p.n.d).

In this situation, the technique of visual ethnography may play most significant role, in the secondary schools of United Kingdom, in educating these types of students (ICAN, 2007, pp. 10-12). The proceeding paper incorporates some facts regarding the technique of visual ethnography, from its origin to now. In addition to this, paper also demonstrates the application of visual ethnography in secondary schools of U.K., specifically with the students of autism. Brief over view regarding autism, will also be provided in the study.


Brief Over-View of Autism

Autism is considered as one of the most severe disorders of human neural system which significantly influences normal performances of the brain. These mental disorders can be characterized in various forms. These may include repetitive behaviours, difficulties in nonverbal and verbal communication and in social interaction. In addition to this, it is also observed that, children or any individual suffering from autism, often finds problems in developing their mental capabilities. According to the medical researches, autism is considered as the most severe mental disorders in children, in U.K. It is because of the reason that, autism is one of the severe disorders that does not permit affected children to develop their skills of communication or general skills of social interaction (Hourcade, 2008, p.n.d). Furthermore, it is also observed that, this disorder leads the children towards the attitude that is not compatible with the attitudes that exist in our culture. Therefore, this mental disorder may significantly harm the learning capabilities of the students. In this situation, the technique or method of visual ethnography may play a vital role in helping the affected children in their learning processes. The technique of visual ethnography offers various features which provide visual supports including written instructions, symbols and pictures. These features play an efficient role in teaching the students, having autism (ICAN, 2007, pp. 10-12).

Effects of Autism on Learning

Autism is one of the most severe and drastic disorders of human brain which significantly affects the performance of the brain. In addition to this, it may also influence the social interaction of the patient. According to the recent researches and surveys, the impacts of autism on learning are abundant ...