Visionary Leadership: Ronald Reagan mgt 506 Module 5 Case Assignment

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Visionary Leadership: Ronald Reagan

MGT 506 Module 5 Case Assignment

Visionary Leadership: Ronald Reagan


Nowadays, leaders espoused various styles of leadership, but all successful leaders have one trait in common, they all are visionaries. All renowned leaders such as Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, John Kennedy, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan had a vision far bigger than the role they played. For example, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates brought revolution in the industry of technology with Windows software and MS-DOS. This paper revolves around Ronald Reagan to analyze his leadership as visionary, examine how visionary leaders add value to the organization, evaluate whether visionary leaders are needed in every workplace, and assess business conditions that particularly call for visionary leadership.


Leadership Style of Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan is the 40th President of US. He displayed intellectual, physical, moral and personal characteristics of a visionary and strong leader, and, by the age of 70 just before the inauguration during 1981, he proved the world and US people that his instincts and resources were far more than adequate in directing the US people by a remarkable change that was led by the disorder of the Carter Administration. At that time, US was struggling with foreign, domestic and economic problems that might have threatened many presidents, Reagan came out as a tenacious, wise, knowledgeable and decisive; however, always remained non-confrontational, good-natured and affable (Sutcliffe, 2007).

Since Dwight David Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan was the first US president to serve two full office terms. Such instance depicted that Ronald Reagan had commanded the confidence and respect of the most of US people. During late 1988, when he visited Moscow, the Cold War was ended, as well as the history might be eternally changed thanks to the great and strong leadership of Ronald Reagan. He was a man of principled vision was a channeling factor in his approach to foreign policy in his presidency, as well as people benefited from his significant and remarkable achievements.

In 1983, Jeane Kirkpatrick wrote about the 1980s elections and inscribed the national identity crisis end by that the US had been passing for some fifteen or ten years. This was a time of great self-denigration and self-doubt for US people. Currently, there is a new national agreement in both foreign and domestic affairs, as well as that new agreement imitates a return of self-confidence of the nation, which is a returned confidence in the basic decency or decorum of US populace; a returned confidence regarding the significance of basic principles of the nation to the modern world; a returned confidence regarding the basic success of US experience; a returned confidence in the US institutions' legitimacy (Britton, 2010).

Strides of Regan were outstanding in the foreign affairs. He handled strongly with both Grenada and Libya, offered resistance against anti-communist in Poland and Nicaragua, and employed the Strategic Defense Initiative eventually collapse the regime of communist. The main reason behind foreign policy success remained a powerful national defense, as well as this ...