Virtue Ethics And Good Life In Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics

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Virtue Ethics and Good Life in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics

Virtue Ethics and Good Life in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics


Aristotle was one of the most important philosophers of all time. His ideas are unique and their arguments make sense. Reading Aristotle's arguments make the reader think about their own beliefs and ask whether Aristotle's beliefs could be true. Many people have wanted to Aristotle and believe in everything he had to stay. Others might argue with everything you said. One thing is for sure has a big impact on our beliefs and philosophies.


In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle tries to prove that there is a purpose in life. He insists that life must come to an end, because everything else in the world has an end. In the end it means a goal or destination. What is the purpose of life? What are we trying to? He believes that happiness is the end and most people say that happiness includes pleasure. Some pleasures are good; however, some pleasures are bad. So, if the pleasures are bad, then it cannot be our goal. Aristotle questions evil pleasures. Does anyone with knowledge to enjoy a pleasure wrong? And what happens? People have different views on pleasure. Some believe that no pleasure is good; there are many reasons to support this statement.

Some reasons are pleasures have different processes and these processes are different from the end, a temperate man avoids pleasure, children can find pleasure, and for other reasons. Others believe that some pleasures are good, but most are bad because some pleasures are to blame and because some pleasures are bad. Aristotle's view is that even if all pleasures are good, but the best in the world cannot be a pleasure. He believes this because pleasure is a process, therefore cannot be an end.

The explanation of why a person known to enjoy a pleasure that evil is found through the appetites. Some desires are among the most people while others apply only to an individual. Different things are pleasing to the different types of people, and some things are more pleasing to everyone that objects opportunity. People can go wrong with the natural appetite, when you overeat. Some people revel in the wrong things, or indulge in the wrong way. They delight in the things that should not or who delight in doing something you should not do because it's nice for them. A person is self-indulgent when more pain than they should if they have a nice thing. A person is tempered because they have no pain when things are not pleasant.

Aristotle tells us that there is a difference between those who are self-indulgent and those who are incontinent. Self-indulgence is the search for appetite. This is out of the election and is giving into temptations. Incontinence is her passion and involuntary. Sometimes people act in the passion when you know what they are doing is wrong. However, this evil deed pleases them so chase him. These people know what is ...
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