Virtual Global Management Teams

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Virtual global management teams

Virtual global management teams

Answer 1

A virtual global management team is a term which is used to describe a group of individuals working from different parts of the globe, and being linked with each other via, different types of communication technology. The teams have the job to take care of various management issues by the use of communication technology. These teams have to perform their job across time, space and organizations boundaries. These individuals are defined as workers who are dispersed by the means of geography and are brought together by the effective use of communication technology (Anne et. al, 2004). According to Ale, Ahmed and Taha, virtual teams are teams who are small temporary groups who perform their job by the communication technologies and with electronic information. These teams of individual knowledge workers, who are split apart due to organizational structure, try and efficiently accomplish their task via the communication technology (Ale et. al, 2009).

Answer 2

These virtual management teams, who are essentially spitted apart by the means of location and organization, interact with each other and perform their job by the use of communication technology. The globalized world that exists in this current scenario has gone a long way from the Stone Age era to the modern globalized world we see today. The virtual connections between individuals have been made possible by the technological advancements that the world has witnessed. This is how via the use of communication technology, individuals within a certain virtual management team interact with each other. There are various types of communication technologies that we see now, which include, internet, emailing, cell phone, smart phones. By the use of smart phones and computers individuals connect to each other on the platform that is provided by the service of internet, thus the internet playing the major part in consolidating of these management teams. A virtual team has three main aspects, which include purpose, people and links. Purpose is the most important segment for any organization, and a virtual team being no different from a traditional team has the most emphasis on the aspect of purpose. Purpose is essentially what holds a virtual team consolidated, together in order to perform efficiently. Hierarchy may not be seen in a structure of a virtual team, this is where the importance on the aspect of purpose is further exaggerated. Purpose generally includes he results, tasks and goals of an organization. It is important for a virtual management team to have quality workers, in order for the team to flourish. Nothing is possible without the human resource, hence human resource also being an integral part. The third is the link, which is provided by the use of technology. Technology is the reason why in the modern day world virtual teams exist.

Answer 3

As a result of the introduction of virtual teams to the world, there has been an increase In production. As a result of the increase in flexibility which the virtual teams endure, has been reported to be ...
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